[2] - strawberry 🔞

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You wake up late in the afternoon. Your plan to out sleep the heat had unfortunately failed. Crawling out of bed, you shuffle to bathroom, wanting to take a shower immediately. The soothing hot water feels a lot better than the sun's abusive rays. You wash yourself and decide to just stand and think under the running water.

Upon hearing the water running, Jungkook fills up with excitement, not in a sexual way, but it could end up there.

After what seemed like an hour (it was a bit more than that since Jungkook couldn't stop checking the time) you get out.

Heading back to the room, you get dressed in as little clothing as possible to remain cool, opting for shorts and a cropped tank top.

Once dressed, you reach for your trustworthy lip balm when you notice the pretty box on the table. A smile creeps across your face as you pick it. Untying the ribbon, you're surprised to see all the lip glosses in there.

"I didn't need this many." You chuckle to yourself.

When your about to pick one out, the door opens and a head peaks in.

"Hey, babe!" Jungkook smiles at you from the door.

"Hey koo!" you mimic him. Koo rolls his eyes as he closes (and locks) the door and sits next to you.

"Do you like our gift?" he asks, pulling you onto his lap as he lays against the mountain of pillows on the bed.

"I love it! Thank you. But why this many?" You laugh looking into his eyes questioningly. He had picked up the ribbon and tied it into a bow on your wrist.

"We each wanted to get you one." he replies, watching you inspect each one. You hum in response and you pick up the one he had picked out for you.

"I got that one for you!" Jungkook hugs you.

"Thank you, babe," you tell him while opening the tube, "Oh! It smells really good." you say letting him sniff it too, to which he agrees.

Jungkook takes the gloss from your hand. You're about to question him when gently turns your face and begins to apply it on you. Heart racing, you avert your gaze from him, looking at one of the figures on the shelf.

"All done! It looks great on you." Jungkook admires you for a second, taking in how your lips now had a red tint and are nice and shiny. Using your phone camera as a mirror you take a look and are pleased with the results.

"You have good taste, Jeon." You praise. Out of curiosity, you lick your lips to see if the gloss would taste good, and it surprisingly does. It's not like the others you had before. "It tastes kinda nice." glance up at Jungkook.

"Ooh, I wanna taste it." he says. You reach to get the lip gloss for him but he cups your face and turns you back to him and gently places his lips onto yours.

You're completely taken aback and your mind goes blank as he slightly moves back only to capture lips again and again. Continuously pecking you with sweet kisses that causes your heart to race.

Closing your eyes and threading your fingers through his long hair, you pull him forward returning the kiss. Lips moving in harmony after so much time with each other. Picking yourself up, you move your legs onto either side of him to straddle him. The kiss remains sweet and gentle until Jungkook begin nipping at your bottom lip.

Grabbing your waist possessively, he glides his tongue against the same lip he was biting, alternating between the two. The sensation causes you to moan, allowing Jungkook to deepen the kiss. His hands leave your waist, one going to the back of your head, the other grabbing your ass. You tugged roughly on his hair in an attempt to keep him in check, but it only makes him moan against your mouth as his tongue mingles with yours.

Both of your hearts race as you indulge in each other. Only now realizing how the summer heat had kind of put a stop to any action between you and your boys. Making you both much more eager than you would normally be.

Unexpectedly, Jungkook pulls back, a string of saliva connecting to your lips that are beginning to swell.

"Tongue out." he pants, his dark gaze bore into you.

After taking a few breaths, you do ask he asks and stick your tongue out, anticipating what he was going to do.

He lightly holds your jaw to keep you in place. He wraps his pretty lips around your wet tongue, your eyes widen in shock and heat beginning to pool in your core.

You try to tell him to stop, to not take things too far, but you only manage to moan as he repeatedly takes the muscle into his mouth and plays with it, whilst massaging your ass with both hands.

Mind hazy, your arch your back and accidentally grind down on him, causing him to pant harder. Seeing no point in trying to cool things down, you begin rocking your hips against him, to which he responds to by pushing you down onto the bed, hips thrusting into you.

His hands move up from your ass to push your shirt up and massage your chest as he continues to grind into you and suck in your tongue.

It was pretty embarrassing how the two of you were getting so worked up so fast, but neither of you could care as Jungkook picked up his pace, pulling away from you again, only to moan at the sight of you.

"God, you're so pretty, babe." he punctuates his remark by grinding down extra hard, putting delicious pleasure on your clit that had your back arching further. "You've soaked through your shorts. Are you enjoying this that much?" he says looking at the mess between your leg. And he was right, you were so wet that there was a wet spot in the shorts he was wearing.

To make matters worse for you, he takes his shirt off, giving you the best view you've seen in a while. The way he's looking at you has you looking away and covering your face, it's too hot for you to handle. He chuckles at your adorable reaction, since you've seen him in much less before.

"Cute. So fucking cute." he mutters, placing your legs over his shoulders as he's done many times before. Bending down he traps you between him and the bed and captures your strawberry lips once more. He thrusts against you at an even faster pace, desperately trying to get the both of you to your highs.

Wrapping your arms around his neck, you tug him closer, relishing in how good he makes you feel, since he knows your body so incredibly well. In no time, you're feeling the coil in your stomach about to snap.

"J-jungkook, I'm gonna-" before you can finish, he licks your lips once and shoves his tongue back into your mouth, all the while pinching your nipples and putting direct pressure on your clit that had you coming instantly. Having you wither in immense pleasure under him had his pace quicken, his orgasm following quickly after yours.

Panting fills the room as the both of you come down from your highs. The sunlight from the window shines on you, making you glow due to the layer how sweat that accumulated, but to Jungkook you looked gorgeous.

Jungkook falls onto his back and brings you along with him. He attaches his lips to your neck, working quick to give you hickeys across your neck. You whine at his actions, but don't make an attempt to stop him. Once he finished, he took a good look at you. Lips swollen and red from how much he abused them. Shirt pushed up with his hands back to caressing your chest. Pretty eyes blown out that were staring right back at him. Hair is a mess, but a cute mess. You look incredible to him and he can't stop the smile that graced his face.

"I love you so much, Y/N.." Jungkook breaths out.

You go shy and hide your face in his neck, but nevertheless respond to him, "I love you too, Jungkook."

You hold each other in comfortable silence until the stickiness between your thighs became uncomfortable.

"Jeon, carry me to the bathroom please." You tell him. It takes him a second, but he gets up and carries you bridal style to the bathroom to get the both of you cleaned up.

"Strawberry tastes really good on you, you know." Jungkook says, setting you down on the counter, beginning to run a bath.

"Well, to bad, I'm not using that one anymore. It comes with annoying side effects." You tease him.

He pays no mind to what you said, instead he steals a kiss and helps you into the tub.

The two of you relax in the warm water with his arms wrapped around you and his face nuzzled in your hair.

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