[4] - bubble gum

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You wake up to Yoongi's face nuzzled in your chest and his arms wrapped securely around you. You smile at him before kissing his forehead and trying your best to climb off without waking him up. After successfully climbing off, you yawn and rub your eyes before heading to the bathroom.

"Good morning, cutie!" You turn, seeing Jimin's adorable smile. What was even cuter was how he was cuddled up Taehyung's lap.

You smile back and tell him good morning and started to the bathroom until you heard him whine. You look back to Jimin questioningly and see him and Tae pouting at you.

"What?" You asked them. Instead of responding verbally Jimin stretched his arms out and made a grabby motion with his hands.

You playfully stick your tongue out at them and headed to the bathroom.

"I don't understand why you can't wait, it's your turn." Taehyung tells Jimin.

"She's irresistible," Jimin replies giving Taehyung a kiss, "And so are you."

Taehyung blushes at the complement, burying his face in his soulmate's neck. Jimin giggles softly, running his small hands through his hair.

You return from the bathroom, seeing Jimin and Taehyung had left and Yoongi seemed to have just woken up.

"Good Morning, kitten!" pressing a kiss to his cheek.

He smiles at you, squeezing your hand as you head to the kitchen.

Thankfully, there was now an abundance of food stocked up, leaving no space for starvation. Looking at what was available, you decided to not be lazy and cook a meal for everyone and not just yourself.
The smell of the food cooking had lured the boys into the living room awaiting the good meal to come.

"Hi cutie."

"Hi lovely." You say, turning your head around to Jimin who'd snuggled against your back.

"It smells really good." he says into your neck, breath tickling you.

"T-thanks, babe." You shudder.

"You know, I still didn't get my kiss." he mumbled into your neck, trailing it with small kisses.

Heat rises to your cheeks as you turn around to face him. Hands on his chest, you stand on your tippy toes to connect your lips to his.

Jimin leans in more as he breathes out a sigh of satisfaction. He skillfully moves his plush lips with yours, his tongue swiping at your bottom lip, but doesn't go any further.

You slowly pull away from each other, your eyes raking over his gorgeous features: glistening, plump lips, round, soft cheeks dusted with freckles, pretty brown eyes, long lashes, and a cute nose—

"YAH! Y/N DON'T MAKE OUT AND COOK DO YOU WANT TO BURN THE HOUSE DOWN?!" Jin's sudden yelling makes the both you jump, snapping your head in his direction.

"Aha, sorry for distracting her." Jimin smiles sheepishly.

You shoo Jimin out the kitchen so you could focus. Turning back to the stove, you check to make sure nothing is burnt.

"Y/N baby!~" Jin coos, arms now around you "What are you making?"

"Aren't you being a hypocrite?" You question him.

"No I'm not." He replies.

"Aren't you distracting me?"

"Doesn't seem like I am."

You shake your head at him. He helps you speed up the cooking process, wanting to turn the stove off before the temperature in the house got any higher than it already was.

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