[8] - cherry 🔞

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Warning: fingering & hand job
It's the late afternoon, when the sun is the deadliest. You rush to the kitchen to get some water for the two of you, desperate to get back to Jin's cold room. On your way back, you slow down when passing by the room Taehyung, Jimin, and Yoongi were in. It's quiet now, you assume they must be done. Going back to the chilling oasis, you give Jin the RJ water bottle and he accepts it gratefully.

"I was gonna go get some, but I felt like I was going to melt if I left the room, so thank you." he breathes after taking a huge gulp.

"No problem," you say after downing some water yourself, "but I'm staying in her until the sun sets." Jin opens his arms and you lazily cozy up to him, thankfully for the powerful fan keeping you cool so he can hold you comfortably.
You were serious when saying you weren't leaving the confinement of Jin's room until sundown. Peaking through the blinds, you both deemed it dark enough to venture outside into the house that had cooled down significantly. With his hand in yours, you and Jin go to find the others' whereabouts. Joon was still couped up in his room, working hard.  Hoseok was knocked out on Jungkook's bed while the latter was playing some game. 

"Why is he in here?" Jin asked, gazing at his tired lover's form. "Too lazy to take him to his room." Jungkook replied, too engrossed in his match.

Jimin and Yoongi were also asleep together but Tae was nowhere to be found.

"He probably went out. " Jin says and you hum in agreement.

The two of you waddle your way into the kitchen, glaring around to see what could be made for dinner.

"We can make fried rice." you suggest, pulling out some ingredients to spice things up. Jin agrees and sets a pan on the stove while you prep to chop up some veggies and meat.

Near the end of your short cooking session, the front door opens, followed by a bark and the pitter-patter of small feet.

You jump slightly at the feeling of Yeontan's paws against your leg. You look down and frown at the small dog, but quickly replace it with a small as he begins to hop in place. You pick him up and place a kiss atop his head.

"Hi Tannie! How are you? You must be thirsty, huh? It's hot out there." you cuddle him in your arms before putting him on the ground again and go to refill his water bowl.

"Can I get some, too?" speaks a teasing,  deep voice from besides you just as Yeontan's bowl is filled. You look up and see Taehyung standing over you. His long hair sticking to his sweaty forehead despite many times of pushing it back. You stand to your full height and hand him the cup used to fill Tannie's bowl. You hear Jin stifle his laughter at your act, which causes a smirk to spread across your face. "Here." you simply say. The teasing light in his eyes immediately dies as he frowns, cute bread cheeks puffing out.

"Why are you being mean to me today?" he asks cutely, crossing his arms. You laugh as you get him a bigger cup and fill it up for him. "Happy now?" you ask, handing him the cup. He nods and thanks you. You look around for Yeontan but it seems he's already gone to wander around the house.

"Do you two want fried eggs?" Jin looks over at you both once he's done plating the rice. Tae's eyes light up at the mention of food and nods his head in sync with yours.

"What did the two of you do today?" Tae asks as he rests his chin on Jin's shoulder, giving the elder a back hug.

"We watched movies together," Jin replies, turning his head to place a quick kiss on his lips, "And we have a pretty good idea of what you were up to today."

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