[3] - peach

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Your stomach growled as you made your way to the kitchen. It was the evening now, Jungkook had taken up all of your time since you got out the shower the same afternoon, leaving you feeling completely ravenous. You open the fridge and immediately felt the urge to cry.

"Where... where's all the food?" you mutter, arms circling your stomach as it begins to cry out for some type of sustenance. Yes, there were items in there but none to make an actual meal with. You slam the cupboards open to find them mostly barren, the realization that you all have been eating everything in the cupboard but not restocking hits you.

Hands fisted, you stomp into the living room and throw yourself into the couch.

"Where the hell is all our food??!?" you grumble loudly.

"The stuff in the fridge was thrown out and everything else has been eaten..." Hoseok says cautiously.

"Wha... why..." tears were stinging at the corner of your eyes. Curling into the fetal position, you trying to ignore the pangs of immense hunger.

This sends the boys into a panic.


"Oh my god!"

"Nononono! It's okay! We'll get you something!"

"But... but why'd you throw my food out?" lip quivering, remembering the leftover you were excited to devour.

"The power went out and the things in the fridge didn't make it." Seokjin explains sympathetically.

You toss your head back in agony, wailing, "noooooooOooo."

"It'll be alright." he rubs your back soothingly, "Is there anything you want me to order?"

You look at Jin with a new found light in your eyes.

"Yes!" your eyes sparkle.

Jin giggles, "Okay, what is it that you want."

You beam, "Chicken Katsu Curry! Ooh! And tempura!"

"Alright!" Jin claps his hands. "What do the rest of you want?"

The food had arrived about an hour later. Which meant the boys had to deal with you and Jin being dramatic for that duration. The eight of you stuff your faces full of all the delicious food once it was set on the table.

Falling back, you hold your food baby and let out a content sigh, "That was good."

The other agree, all in a food high.

"You've had a pretty good day, huh, babe?" Taehyung glances at your bruised neck.

"What do you mean?"

"You and Kook had an eventful morning, did you not?" his eyes darken as he looks at you, "He's not the quietest, you know."

Jungkook's face heats up, looking at the floor to avoid all the gazes on him.

"Hmm, sure. I guess." The food you had consumed left you too happy to care about what he was saying. "Let's watch a movie!"



Suggesting to watch a movie was a big mistake. The boys, excluding Yoongi, had spent the last twenty minutes arguing on what movie to watch.

"Why can't we watch a horror movie?"Jungkook whines.

"No!" you and Hoseok exclaimed.


"Can you guys just pick something please?" Yoongi lifts his head up from your chest where he was littering soft kisses.

"Then you pick, babe," Namjoon says.

"Fine. uh, Ghibli." Yoongi says.

"I knew I chose the right man!" you giggle.

To popular demand, meaning you demanded, Ponyo was the first movie. The movie ended with a horrible rendition of you all singing the ponyo song at the top of your lungs and watching more movies.

"Did you like it?" Yoongi suddenly asks.

"Like what?" You looked up at him. You'd changed positions, with your head now on his chest.

"The gift."

"Yes! Of course I did." you smile. You get up much to his displeasure, to go get the box. Once back, you place the box on the small space between you two.

"Which one did you get me?"


Yoogi starts giggle as you look him dead in the eyes with annoyance. Pouting you turn away from him.

"Okay okay, I got you the peach one!" he giggles.

Turning back towards him, you go thought the box to find the one he picked.

"Hmm, good choice." you saying smelling the gloss.

Yoongi nods, starting right at it.

"What? You want some?" you laugh as you apply it.

"What? No." he smiles holding you tighter.

Yoongi has always been the clingy one, right next to Taehyung. He loves being held or holding you or one of the boys. And he never fails to but a smile on any of your faces and fill your heart up with so much love.

"How does it look?" you pout your lips at him.

The light of the TV illuminates only half of your face, making it hard to see. Within the darkness Yoongi was able to how bright your eyes were sparkling as you gazed up at him.

"It looks beautiful. You always look beautiful, love." he smiles as he presses his forehead to yours. He's looking at you with so much love in his eyes that it makes your heart ache.

His hand caresses your soft cheek as he admires you, looking from your long lashes to your cute, kissable nose to your even more kissable lips. Holding you closer, the box magically disappearing, he leans in and places the sweetest kiss on your lips. Without hesitation, you wrap your arms around his neck, slowly moving your lips in sync with his.

The kiss was soft, slow, and sweet. You were both smiling, with hearts overflowing with love and happiness that you almost couldn't think straight. His hand moved down from your face to your waist, softly stroking it, causing you to release a content sigh.

"I love you so much" you tell him.

"Not as much as I love you." Yoongi nips at your bottom lip. You giggle lovingly in his hold, reattaching your lips to his.

Yoongi turns to lay on his back and pulls you to lay on top of him. Both his hands now caress your sides as you tread your fingers through his soft hair.

The two of you were in your own little world, forgetting all that was around.

"You taste good, love." Yoongi murmurs against your peach flavored lips.

"And so do you." You look into his pretty his, glazed over with an abundance of love.

You don't know how long you stayed like that. Entangled and lost in each other, floating on cloud nine. But it didn't really matter. You were both incredibly happy in each others hold.

Your six other lovers, snuggling together, watched the two of you with a loving gazes.

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