"The two bicycles raced down the driveway in a heated battle

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for the tree house. The winner would..."
Be allowed to ask for one thing, no matter what it was, be it the loser's most prized possession, or some favor, from the loser. Adam knew that Cara was competitive. He thought it one of the aspects of her character he most valued. However, he did not understand the depth of her emulous nature.
"I thought you were faster than this!" She shouted back to him.
Mirth tinged her words. And when she looked at him, he could see animal hunger in her eyes. Ahead, the tree house raced towards them. She's going to beat me. "I'm just letting you win" he choked out.
Laughter like he had not yet heard from her, escaped from Cara's lips. "That's right, boy. You tell yourself that. Maybe that'll comfort you when I get my prize!"

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