Vending Machine

13 0 0

"The chips were stuck in the vending machine again! He was banging on the glass when suddenly..."

The machine made a rather agitated sounded series of beeps, followed by a female voice. "Well, what did I do to you? What are you pounding on my glass for?"

Jason stepped back. Did that machine talk to me? He looked up and down the hall, to his left and right, but saw no one.

"Well, hello?" The female voice said. "While I'm glad you've stopped banging on my glass, are you going to answer me?"

Jason, leaned to his right and left, trying to see if there was someone beside the machine.

"What are you looking for?" She asked.

He dropped to his knees and tried peering underneath. Seeing nothing below it, he got back to his feet. "There's no one there," he said softly. "Is this vending machine talking to me?"

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