Chapter 31

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It's morning and everyone is awake, ready to search for Angelina. I meet with the group at the car.
"So last night, I was doing some digging, trying to find if I could get any leads on a possible location and I found something."

"Okay, Eli, what did you find?" Jru asks me.

"She works at the local diner. Max's Diner to be specific. It's right down the street. I'm sure you're all hungry so we should head there...check if she's in."

"So what if she's there...then what?" Jru definitely seemed skeptical.

"We talk to her...convince her to come with us."

"And how the hell are we supposed to do that?? What if she just blatantly tells us no?"

"We have to find a way...somehow." I nod. She stares at me for a moment.

"Fine...but if it doesn't work, we kidnap her. Let's go." She goes to get on the car. I look at Ross and we both shrug before following suit. Upon arriving to the diner, we walked inside and grabbed a big booth for the six of us. Surely enough, a woman with snow white hair and bright blue eyes, same as Josi and Jru. There's no mistake that's their mother...they are basically carbon copies of her. I requested her upon arriving to the diner so that we could talk to her. Once she sees us sitting and conversing, she looks up and walks over with her notepad and pen.

"Hey, my name is Angie, what can I..." as soon as she lays eyes on Jru, she's stunned. It's as if she can't move. She finally shakes herself out of her self inflicted trance. "You shouldn't be here..."

"So you do recognize me..." Jru speaks up.

"You weren't supposed to find me...none of you need to go back"

"I'm not going anywhere..." Jru shakes her head. "I want answers..."

"You're not gonna get the answers you want..."

"I'm your daughter, the least you could do was say you missed me..."

"We were never supposed to meet, need to pretend you never saw me and you need to go home. Be with your brother."

"That's the thing...he's not at home."

"What do you mean he's not home...?" Worry finally washes over the woman.

"He was taken by Darius," and now sorrow is definitely obvious on her face

"No...that can't be right. There's no way he should be with him...your father was supposed to make sure of that..."

"Well something unexpected happened...he mated with Darius after he mated with me..." I finally speak up.

"So you're his true mate....Darius was never supposed to have Josilus. Darius was always obsessed with him from the time I was pregnant with you both" and after that." She shakes her head.

" do you know anything after...?" Jru asks, slight hostility in her voice.

"I've kept in touch with some people..." Angelina says, clearly ashamed.

"You've kept in touch with the pack but couldn't even stay with your own children...?" Jru's hand went into a fist.

"No, I couldn't..." the waitress looks down.

"Why? Why did you abandon us.?"

"I didn't...I'll tell you the whole story...just not here. I promise you I'll tell you guys are probably staying at that motel down the street right?" She begins whispering to us.


"Meet me at room 9 in 15. I live there. We have eyes and ears on us...take my key just in case..." she hands the key to Jru. "Be careful..."

"Okay...yeah. We'll see you there." She nods. We all get up and head back to the car.

" are you feeling right now?" Ross asks her.

"I'm fine...let's just go..." Jru isn't exactly jumping for joy about meeting her mother. I look at the two of them and sigh.

"Well at least we know she's willing to help us..."

"But we cant trust a word she says. What if she doesn't show? She'll leave us again..."

"Jru babe...relax...I think she looked worried..she seemed worried about him..."

"All of a sudden she's worried about him? About us?she literally told me to forget I ever saw her when she saw me...after 18 years of thinking my mother died after giving birth to my brother and I only to find out she's alive and well like we never existed! I don't trust her, at all, Ross!"

"Okay, easy, easy. You're stressing yourself out, not good for my little niece or nephew," I chime in trying to lighten up the mood, only to be growled at by the queen herself. "Okay...I'll shut up now..." I nod and get into the drivers seat, driving us back to the motel. We wait, 15 minutes like she said for us to do. Surely enough, she makes it.

"You actually came..." Jru says.

"It's okay, I know you had your doubts." Angelina walks up to us, after closing her car door. "Luckily, no one will be showing up here...Jru, you wanted to talk, let's talk privately."

"Ross gets to come and so does Elijah. They are the mates of your children and they each have every right to know. We hide nothing from each other."

"Alright...if that's what you want." She nods. "You still have my key right?" Jru hands it over and Angelina unlocks the door, letting the three of us inside before stepping in as well, closing the door behind her. "Take a seat..." she grabs the desk chair and sits. "It's finally time you all were told the truth of why I left..."

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