Chapter 42

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After some time of relaxation with my fiancé, I grab my jacket and head downstairs while he sleeps. I go out to the deck, staring at the lake. The cool fall air breezing through my hair while the sun is falling down slowly.

"Prince Josilus..." I hear Liam's voice behind me.

"I knew you'd come once you saw I was ready to talk?"

"Yeah...let's talk." He walks up to stand next to me and listen, "start from the beginning."

" began on Ross' birthday. During the celebration, Darius grabbed me and forced me into the wall. My guess was he was going to rape me so that I had no other option than to choose him when it came down to my own decision. Luckily he didn't get to that because my fiancé, Elijah attacked him and nearly killed him for me. I asked him not to so he ceased his attacks. Then the next night on my birthday, I found myself being pulled to both him and Elijah which made no sense to me but I didn't feel safe with him so I chose Elijah. I already had love for him so it was an easy decision. 2 mates is just not something that happens. So Elijah and I solidified our bond but afterwards, I fell unconscious and when I came to, weeks had passed and I was told I was pregnant...but I was in Darius' arms. I was confused, distraught. He told me that they were his which isn't true, a paternity test was done and they're Elijah's, but I had both his mark and Elijah's. Darius didn't give me the option to choose who I wanted to be with. I was dragged away from the man I loved, the man I was supposed to be with. The moment I was with him, he abused me. He choked me in my own bedroom and I had to sit there and take it...I was helpless. I spent months dealing with his abuse, not to mention his sexual advances. I refused every time but he was persistent...he held back only sometimes, others, i literally had to run away. I didn't want to have my mark with him to be stuck forever because I knew something was wrong. Come to find out, Darius had used a spell on that very night that kept my consciousness dormant and my wolf in a trance a few days later so he could mark and mate with me against the will of the goddess. The witch had no choice but to do what he said because he was holding her son hostage with the intent to kill the boy if she refused. During this time, my sister tracked down my mother and they helped me escape and they found a solution to break the bond between Darius and I since I can't denounce a mate in pregnancy. There's only one solution, re-consummating the bond with one of the mates you bond with. I was snuck out that night by my own mother which I didn't know until after the fact of Elijah and I solidifying our bond. I'd also been on the brink of sickness caused by two marks so my mom got me just in time. Darius' mark finally disappeared but he came after sister was pregnant as well at the time and was so happy her baby was healthy but when Darius came ready for war, he grabbed my sister and stabbed her...he was psychotic that night...out of rage and obligation to the crown, he was immediately killed by Elijah and my sister's mate, Ross. His pack then stood there scared, no leadership so I had to say something since Micah was the beta and I was unaware that he had family left, I appointed him as their alpha so they had someone to look up to. I trust him with my life so I believed they would too...I wish things didn't happen the way they did but there's no turning back...what happened happened and it's over now..."

"It's never really over...he still haunts you, doesn't he?" I quickly look at him, afraid to admit it but I have nightmares...the look on his face when he was just sad. "Your expression tells it blame yourself for this but Darius- along with his father had some psycho-aggressive gene, always had it since they were kids. He should've gotten help."

"I told him that and he avoided it at all costs!" I say, clearly upset.

"I bet you did...sadly the cost of avoiding it was his life...he was reckless but it wasn't your fault. He made mistakes and paid the price, same as my brother...the nightmare will end, prince Josilus. You just have to let it go." He nods.

"Okay...yeah, I just have to let it go..." I rub my swollen belly. "It's what's best for them." I nod.

"Yeah. Stressing about it will only make things bad. Think about the babies, the happiness they'll bring you."

"Do you have any kids, Liam?"

"I have a daughter. Evan, we call her- short for Evangeline. Her mother actually died in childbirth but her spirit is still right with us."

"That is such a precious name...I might have to steal that if I have a girl," I joke. He lets out a slight laugh.

"Maybe if you have a daughter, you can name her something special to you...perhaps like your mother's maiden name or something."

"That's not a bad idea actually." I nod. "Thank you for being so understanding, Liam. I hope Darius is at peace where he is now..."

"I hope so too..." he nods. "Thank you for your're a lot more brave than I thought."

"Brave...? We're just two people discussing an event that happened...I have nothing to be brave for."

"I suppose you're right...but I have a history for being ruthless like my blame yourself for his death meaning you were walking in, knowing it would feel like it's all your fault when you told me...I could've killed you for that but you went ahead and told me the truth anyway. That is courage, Josilus."

"Whatever you say...thank you again for coming to see me."

"I did this for I'm gonna see my nephew. Enjoy your stay here while there's time before your wedding. You're having it soon aren't you?"

"Yeah...a few weeks."

"Right so enjoy your young life while you can. Those 3 weeks will fly by. Next year you'll be a husband and a parent spend this time enjoying the little freedom you have." It almost seems ominous, the way he says that but I nod.

"I will..."

"I'll see you around. I've got some catching up to do with some people."

"Alright." I watch him go and sigh.

I don't trust him...

Neither do I but we have to keep some sort of peace here. long is that gonna last?

As long as I say...Jru and I are going to be King and Queen. Nothing like that will matter.

It will when he starts a war.

There won't be a war. He has no intention of hurting me. If he did, wouldn't he have done it by now?

He's playing nice...but I feel like it's an act...not to mention, I can't read his wolf at all...something is weird about him...

There's no use in worrying about it now. We need to worry about us...that's it. The twins are the priority.

Fine...but don't say I didn't warn you.

Fine. Let's just head inside and eat something. I'm starving. I walk back inside and head into the kitchen. Before I know it, I hear someone creep behind me and cover my eyes.

"Guess who~?" I hear him say. I start to grin, knowing exactly who it is.

"Grandpa is that you?" I joke just to tease him.

"Grandpa?" He laughs, uncovering my eyes. I turn around.

"I knew it was you silly. I could recognize that voice anywhere." I stand on my tippy toes and peck his lips, "Did you enjoy your nap?"

"Yes, I did. What are you doing in the kitchen?"

"About to cook something. I'm hungry."

"Well, this is something your fiancé should be doing for you~. Go sit, relax. I'll cook whatever you want."

"Mm, okay." I smile, unable to deny his lovely request. I sit down and watch him in the kitchen as he starts getting out some food. I think about how peaceful this moment is...Liam was right...I need to savor this time, these moments...they are priceless. When I become king along side my sister, my I'll have to constantly be careful. People will try to kill me...come after my kids...everything will be different a year from now...a husband, a parent, a king. Everything will change and it feels like I was just a kid, innocent and naive...I have to grow, be strong to protect my family. I have to be the King my father always hoped I would be but in my own is the time to start.

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