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John's POV...

I laid in bed, wide awake, worried about Ashli. She was sleeping in another room with Edward. I couldn't sleep, worrying about them, because of what Joey had done. Ashli wasn't too happy with Joey right now. I didn't tell her that he'd called me earlier.

Joey had called me, asking about Ashli. I'd lied and said that I hadn't seen her. It was wrong to lie, I know, but if I would have told the truth, Joey would have been like, "Let me see her and my son. Oh, I love them so much and I don't want them to get hurt." I got out of bed and walked downstairs, grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator. I was drinking some when a loud scream erupted throughout my house. I jumped and spilled some of the water.

"Ashli", I called out.
"He's dead! Oh God, he's dead!" Ashli ran down the stairs.
"Who? Who's dead, Ashli?" I thought that she'd had a nightmare.

"Edward! He's dead. I got up to check on him and his body was icy cold. Oh John, I'm so sorry", Ashli cried. I walked up to her and put my arms around her trembling body.
"Shhh", I whispered into her ear. "I'll call an ambulance." I slowly let go of Ashli's shaking body. Ashli looked up at me, her big, blue eyes looking into mine.

"It's all my fault. I'm such a bad parent. What did I do wrong?"
"Ashli, you didn't do anything wrong. Sometimes, things happen. You can't blame yourself for this", I said. "I need to go and get my phone." Ashli followed behind me, going upstairs and into my room. I grabbed my phone and called the emergency number.
The ambulance showed up, pronounced Edward dead, and took him to the hospital for an autopsy. Ashli wouldn't leave my arms. She cried and cried, burying her head in my chest.

"What will Joey think? He'll think that it's all my fault! He'll think that I'm a monster!"
"No, he won't. Joey will understand", I said, stroking her hair. But I didn't even believe my own words. I knew how Joey could get really angry over the slightest thing. Right now, I wanted to hold Ashli, stroke her hair, and make her feel as though Joey wouldn't start something. But it was impossible. Ashli needed Joey right now, and Joey needed Ashli.

"Do you want me to call him?"
Joey's POV...

My phone was ringing. I didn't want to answer it. The caller ID didn't have Ashli's name, but it was John. I answered it.

"Joey? There's a problem", John said.
"What is it", I asked, sitting straight up in bed.
"I can't tell you. But, you really need to come to my house."
"Okay. I'll be there in twenty minutes", I said.
"Thank you, Joey."
"No problem." I ended the call. I stood up and changed my clothes. I needed to get to John's house quick.
John's POV...

Fifteen minutes later, Joey was at my house.

"What is it? John, is everything okay?"
"No, it's not", I said.
"What's going on?"
"You need to talk to her", I said, pointing at Ashli.
"Okay", Joey said, walking away from me.
Joey's POV...

I walked up to Ashli. She was crying, small tears falling on her face.

"Ash? What's wrong", I asked.
"Please don't be mad", Ashli said in a whisper.
"Mad about what? What happened?"
"Edward, he isn't here anymore."
"What?" I put my hands on Ashli's shoulders.

"I don't want to tell you."
"You'll get mad at me."
"Ashli, you can tell me anything. I promise that I won't be mad", I said. She took a deep breath.

"Edward is dead." Those words hit me in the face. Ashli burst into tears.

"It's okay, it's okay. Don't cry, Ashli", I said.
"It's not okay. Now our son isn't here and you didn't get to see him out of the hospital and now you're going to mad and I-".
"Shh. It's okay, Ashli. I'm not mad", I said.
John's POV...

Seeing Joey not get mad was a surprise. Then again, he could just be acting as though he wasn't mad because I was here. How would he react if I wasn't here? I pushed my hair out of my face. Ashli came over to me.

"I'm going home with Joey", she said.
"Do you want me to go with you?"
"No thanks. I don't think that Joey will try anything."
"Okay", I said. Ashli nodded and walked inside. Joey came to me.

"Why is Ashli here?" I sighed. I had to tell him, now or never.
"She came to me a few days ago. Ashli said that she'd found, uh, she found -". Joey held up his hand.
"I know, I know. So, why did you lie to me", Joey asked.
"Ashli didn't want to see you then. She was afraid that you would be mad at her for leaving with Edward", I replied.
"Oh." I could see the pain in Joey's eyes. He was clearly upset. Ashli came back and gave me a small smile.

"Thank you, John", she said.
"Your welcome." After the goodbyes were said, I went inside, hoping that Ashli would be okay.
Ashli's POV...

"Can we go to the hospital", I asked.
"Yeah, of course." I needed to know why Edward had died. Joey took his hand and placed it on mine.

"I'm sorry", Joey said.
"I'm sorry for cheating on you, for leaving you alone and doing whatever I wanted. It's all my fault that this is happening."
"Joey, it's okay. I can't stay mad at you forever", I said. Joey parked the car, arriving at the hospital. Joey and I got out and walked in, where a doctor greeted us. They knew why we were here.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Larsson. I am Doctor Anderson, and I will be taking you upstairs", Doctor Anderson said with a smile. Joey and I followed him, going upstairs and into a small room, where a nurse stood with papers.

"This is Nurse Taylor, and she has the autopsy report for Edward", Doctor Anderson said.
"Thank you, Doctor", I said. He smiled and walked away. Joey took my hand, silently reminding me that I was going to be okay. But would I really be okay?
The report was simple; Edward died because he'd stopped breathing, but it was because he'd been born early. Now, Joey and I were going home.

"Are you mad", I asked.
"Mad about what?"
"Edward dying."
"No. I'm upset, but not mad", Joey said. "Why do you think that I would be mad?"

"I just-." I stopped and sighed. "I don't know." Joey took my hand.

"It's okay, Ash." And I honestly believed him.

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