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The sirens. The blood. What was happening?  And where was I? There was Joey and John and Mic.


If only he would come closer, just so I could hug him...

A police officer, he had Daniel I'm handcuffs. Was he going to jail? Everything was dark, and it hurt to hold my eyes open. I wanted to close them. But what would I miss?

"Ashli...." I heard faintly.
"Hmm?" My throat burned. My entire body ached with pain. Was I dead? Or was I dying? I felt the small pinch of something going into my arm. Was it a needle? I didn't know.

Where was Joey? I didn't see him anywhere.

The lights. They were blinding. I could feel everything; small, sharp pains in my arms and legs, a burning sensation in chest and stomach. Was I shaking? I felt cold.

"Ashli..." I could hear a faint whisper before everything drifted away from me.
I woke up crying. Small tears fell down my face. I sat up in bed and looked next to me. Joey wasn't there. Only I could hear my sobs. I got out of bed, my entire body trembling, and made my way downstairs.

I found Joey there, watching TV. The TV was on, but it was silent. What was Joey doing?

"Joey", I called out.
"Yes?" He didn't move. I walked over to him, sitting next to him.

"What's wrong?"
"I couldn't sleep", Joey replied.
"Oh." I looked up at him. In the light of the TV, I could see a tear fall down his face.

"Joey, what's wrong", I asked.
"Nothing." I placed my hands on both sides of his face and looked at him.

"Please don't lie to me. I see you crying", I said.
"It's nothing, Ash."
"Joey, please tell me what's wrong", I whispered. Joey hung his head and sighed.

"I'm just worried about us and our relationship. Everything was great when we first started dating, but then I cheated, and our baby died. I'm worried that we're falling apart, and I don't want that to happen", Joey said. I crawled onto Joey and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"That's not going to happen. I promise. We're not going to fall apart, okay?"
"Okay", Joey said. Then, he wrapped an arm around me.

"There's one more thing", I said.
"What is it?" I leaned in and kissed Joey.

"I love you", I managed to say, pulling out of the kiss. Joey wrapped a second arm around me and kissed me again.
"I love you, too", he whispered. There was a pause.

"Didn't you say that one day you wanted to have another baby?"
"Yes, I did. Why?"
"Can we try for another baby now", Joey asked. I looked into his gentle eyes.
"Yeah", I said, nodding as Joey carried me upstairs.

I Got Pregnant by a Rockstar ✔ (Original Edition)Where stories live. Discover now