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Nine Months Later...

I was sitting at home with Joey. Months earlier, we'd found out that we were having a girl. We were curled up on the couch, watching tv, when I felt the sudden urge to go to the bathroom.

"I'll be back", I said as I stood up. I darted to the bathroom, but the urge to go was so bad. Then, I felt a sharp pain in my side.

"Ow!" I shrieked.
"Ash", Joey called out, "are you okay?"
"I don't know", I cried out as another sharp pain came.

"I think I need to go to the hospital", I cried out. I rushed out of the bathroom. By now, my pants and the floor were soaked. Joey gently took my hand and we rushed out of the house.

An Hour Later...

I was laying in a bed with Joey at my side. I'd been given an epidural, and now a doctor was in front of me, ready to deliver the baby.

"Okay, Mrs. Larsson, the baby is ready. You can start pushing."

Nine pushes later, our baby entered the world. Joey and I heard her little cries. I looked up at Joey, who stood above me. A small tear ran down his cheek.

"Aw, don't cry", I said. He wiped the tears away and smiled at me.
"What should we name her", Joey asked as the doctor placed her in my arms.

"Natalie", Joey said. I smiled down at our baby, then up at Joey.
"Yeah, let's name her Natalie."

I Got Pregnant by a Rockstar ✔ (Original Edition)Where stories live. Discover now