Ten years ago...

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Chaos. It surrounded everyone in Halloween Town's Town Hall. The Oogie Boogie was gone, but what would they do with...them? They cowered in the room, terrified. The future was unclear. Jack, their fearless leader and Sally stood in the front of the room with the mayor and tried to calm everyone down.

"Everyone!" Mayor shouted through his megaphone. "The meeting has commenced!"

That settled them down a little. The room went quiet.

"Now," said the mayor, speaking normally now. "Whatever shall we do?"

"About what?" asked a werewolf in the front.

"Yeah," said a mummy. "So the Boogie Man's gone, how does that affect us?"

"What do we do with the house?" asked Dr. Finklestein

"We keep it there," said Jack.

"What about us?" said a small voice from the back.

Everyone's head turned. The speaker was a boy. He had blue skin and wore red knit pants and a long-sleeved red sweater. His hair was a bright red and he wore a red handcrafted devil mask. Next to him was a girl and another boy. The girl wore a green witch hand-crafted mask and had green skin. She wore black boots that went up all the way to the hem of her faded pink long-sleeved dress. Her black hair was sticking out on all ends and on top she wore a tall faded purple witches hat. The other boy was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt with black pants and the print of a skeleton on it. His turquoise hair went well with his greenish-blue skin. His hand-made mask was round like his face and sported a big toothy grin. He cowered behind the girl, who cowered behind the first boy a little and had her hand on his arm and wrapped her arm around the second one. Lock, Shock, and Barrel were infamous around Halloween Town.

Everyone looked at them and then turned to Jack. Sally looked at them with a sad expression on her face. She pitied the poor children.

"Don't be so hard on them Jack," she said softly. "After all, they're just children."

Mayor leaned over. "I say we banish them to their home. They make one sight in this town their done for."

Jack thought for a moment. "Maybe a banishment wouldn't be the worst thing. But only for a short while, so they learn their lesson and then we give them another chance."

Sally sighed

"Very well," said Mayor. "It has been decided that Lock, Shock, and Barrel will be banished to their home for..." he thought for a moment "five years."

"Five years!" Jack said, his eye-sockets widening.

"Fine then ten years," said the mayor slamming his hammer down on the pedestal. Two werewolves got up and before they could reach the terrified children, they bolted out the door and off into the night.

Sally gasped. The room erupted into chaos and began to cheer.

"Hooray!" screamed a witch. "We're rid of those dreadful creatures!"

"No more Boogie's Boys!" shouted a zombie.



That was the last time Halloween Town saw the children. For ten years, they stayed hidden, away from everyone. No one dared go near their house, for fear of being trapped inside the abominable lair. Ten years went by, and no body was counting except for a hopeful girl who was wishing to be a part of the Halloween festivities since birth.

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