13. Plan B

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Lock, Shock, and Barrel began pacing thinking about a possible solution to their predicament. With no visible way out of Christmas Town, they were currently trapped.

"We could hijack Santa's sleigh," said Barrel.

"What good would that do us?" asked Shock.

"What about that nice lady?" said Lock. "We could ask her what to do."

"That seems a little excessive," said Shock.

"Alright Negative Nancy," said Lock. "What do you think?"

Shock shrugged. "I don't know."

Barrel began to look at the tree circle and wrinkled his forehead. "Just the door is missing, not the tree."

"How come he's the smart one?" asked Lock.

"What are you talking about?" asked Shock.

"Look," said Barrel. "The tree for the door is still there, but the door isn't."

"So they took the door," said Lock. "That helps."

"They're trying to not get us into Halloween Town," said Shock. "But they're only blocking our exit from Christmas Town."

"Your point?" asked Lock.

"What if we go to Halloween Town through another town," said Shock.

"They won't predict that," said Barrel.

"Seriously," said Lock. "How come I'm the only one who's out of ideas?"

"You could pick the door," said Barrel.

"Fine," said Lock. He looked around. "What about the heart?"

"What holiday is that?" asked Shock.

"I have literally no idea," said Lock.

"Worth a try," said Barrel, walking over to the tree and opening the door. Little hearts fluttered out."

Lock gagged.

"I'm gonna be sick," said Shock.

"I like it," said Barrel.

"Well of course you do," Lock snapped.

Barrel rolled his eyes and climbed in. Reluctantly, Lock and Shock followed him.


"That's impossible, how is that possible?" Jack asked Mayor frantically.

"I don't know!" said Mayor. "They aren't anywhere in Halloween Town!"

"Jack the Holiday Doors!" said Sally. "They must have gone through those."

Jack looked puzzled. "Why would they go through the Holiday Doors?"

"To get away from something," said Emily. She turned to her mother. "The twins! They must have provoked them to leave!"

"But where?" asked Sally. "How on earth are we going to find them? There are seven doors."

"Six, because their clearly not in Halloween Town," said Jack.

"What about the twins?" asked Emily.

"We will have to deal with them later," said Jack. He turned to Mayor. "Send one person into each door. I'll go into Christmas Town and Sally can go into Easter."

Sally gave him a blank stare.

"It's the colorful egg," said Jack.

"What about me?" asked Emily, standing up.

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