14. Thunder and Lightning

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*I just updated the cover!!!*

"Whadda we do, whadda we do, WHAT DO WE DO?!?!"

"I don't know! Take a chill pill!"

Barrel ran in circles around their house, panicking, Lock was looking out the window at Halloween Town, and Shock was pacing, thinking up a plan.

"What if," she said. Shock paused. "No, actually that would never work."

"There are evil demon clouds all around Halloween Town!" said Barrel.

"It doesn't look that bad," said Lock. "If you squint and tilt your head like so...."

"Not helping," said Barrel.

"Neither is your panicking," said Lock.

"We could try that," said Shock. "But it would be risky."

"Try what?" asked Barrel.

"Try to save everyone in Halloween Town."

"Nope, that plan sucks," said Lock.

Shock gave him a look. "Fine. What about Emily and Veronica? We at least have to know if they're okay."

"We could sneak in, say hi and leave," said Barrel.

"Now that is a plan that doesn't suck!" said Lock.

"Let's do it!" said Shock.

"But how do we get in without being noticed?" asked Barrel.

Shock jumped up. "I have an idea."

"Oh boy," said Lock.

"Follow me," Shock led the two down the metal elevator. She began to walk to Halloween Town,  but before she entered the graveyard, she tossed her hat behind a grave, letting her curly hair flow down her back.

"Uh, what's your idea?" asked Barrel.

"Walking into Halloween Town," said Shock. "Duh."

"We're dead," said Lock.

"No we're not," said Shock. "Use your useless brains for once and think!"

"I am!" said Lock. "And I think it is a horrible plan!"

"Why are you picking this strategy?" asked Barrel. "It seems a little extreme."

Shock took a deep breath. "The town is surrounded in a dark lightning cloud, right?"

"Yeah," said Lock. "So?"

"The people are probably panicking, right?"

"Sure," said Barrel.

"If they're panicking, they won't see us come in," said Shock. "Because they'll be panicking."

"What about Jack?" asked Lock.

"He's probably doing boring business stuff that has nothing to do with us," said Barrel.


"Where are they?" asked Jack. He had taken Sally and a few others through Christmas Town to look for the Boogie Boys. They had been unsuccessful.

"Let's head back," said Sally. "Come on."

The group turned to leave Christmas Town. Jack tried to go through the door, but was bounded back.

"What the-?" He felt around. "We're stuck."

"What?" asked Sally. She walked next to her husband. "Maybe they have the doors like us."

lock, shock, and barrel ( complete )Where stories live. Discover now