3. The Twins (an extremely short chapter)

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Molly and Jacob were identical twins. They both had blonde hair and blue eyes and they were both stitched together by Dr. Finklestein. They were the children of his newest creation Mrs. Finklestein and himself and their stitches were discrete. Their whole lives, they had been ridiculed and teased for being created. Vanessa and Derek had been nice to them. With new friends, they became confident and courageous. And they participated in the dares to walk up to the house and get egged constantly. It was always either Derek or Jacob who did it. It was until that day then did they realize that maybe being friends with snooty people wasn't the best idea. Jacob and Molly thought they deserved better. And they wanted revenge.

Revenge on all those who hurt them. But they never knew how to get it. Until that very day. Jacob was being dragged by his sister into the library.

"Molly, what is it?"

"I've had enough!" she stormed into one of the sections, pulled off a book and checked it out. "Let's go Jacob."

"But we just got here!"


The twins raced across town. Their shiny stitch free skin and glossy hair shining in the sun. When they arrived at their house, Molly dragged Jacob into their room and slammed the door shut.

"Molly, what is going on?" Jacob asked.

Molly flipped through the book.  "Revenge time."

"On Derek and Vanessa?"

"On all of Halloween Town."

"Why?" asked Jacob.

Molly didn't answer, but handed the book to Jacob. He looked at it. "Oh, Molly no."

"Yes," said Molly.

"We can't do that," said Jacob.

Molly wasn't listening. She set a few things up on her desk and snatched the book from Jacob.

"Molly this is ridiculous!"

"Your ridiculous."

"We can't bring him  back."

"It's the only way people will listen."

"It wont fix this."

"YES IT WILL!" Molly breathed heavily. "If Halloween Town loves to forget so much, they'll love this." She created a smoke cloud and it spread throughout the room.

"Molly..." said Jacob.

Molly began to incant in a far off voice. She was reading from the book. Her hair was blowing about in the strange wind that was blowing. Jacob circled around his sister. Her eyes had glazed over and she was starting to creep him out. He couldn't help it. He screamed. But his voice was drowned out by the scream that came from his sister. It was bone chilling and horrifying.

"MOLLY!" Jacob grabbed the book and threw it out of the window.

Molly turned back to normal and the smoke cleared and she collapsed. Jacob rushed to her side. "Molly! Molly wake up, Molly!"

Molly bolted awake. "What happened?"

"You went crackers!" said Jacob, hugging her. "I'm just glad you're all right."

"Me too," said Molly getting up.

Jacob smiled. "Let's go."

Molly looked around. "What was I thinking?"

Jacob smiled again. "Don't worry. It's nothing to worry about, OK?"

Molly giggled. "Ice Cream?"

Jacob nodded. The two ran out of the house. They were unaware of the growing darkness that they had caused. They were soon to be victims of their own faults.

Hey everyone! Short chapter, I know. But I needed a chapter on the twins.  Since their some of the main characters, I figured, 'Hey! They need their own chapter!' And so there it is! Well, the chapters after this are longer. So, without further ado, here's the rest of the story!

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