9. The Best Way To Defeat Your Enemy...

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When Lock, Shock, and Barrel set foot in Halloween Town, the streets were absolutely barren. It was late at night and nobody was really out. Victoria took Veronica and Emily home, while Jack and Sally debated on what to do with the three Boogie Boys.

"We could lock them in the jail," said Jack. "Just for the night until tomorrow."

"No thank you," said Lock.

"Absolutely not," said Shock.

"Not gonna happen," said Barrel.

Jack glared at them. Sally suddenly gasped. "They could stay with us."

"No way!" said Jack.

"I like that idea," said Lock.

"Whatever happened to your hands?" asked Sally.

"I cut them on a thorn bush," said Lock.

"Are you alright?" asked Sally, sympathetically.

"He's fine," said Jack. He sighed. "Alright, they can stay with us."

The three grinned at each other.

"But only for tonight," said Jack. "And then it's back to your rotting old garbage hole."

"Fair enough," said Shock.

The group walked to Jack and Sally's house. The Boogie Boys were marginally impressed. Sally showed them into the guest bedroom. "I know it's not a lot, but it's all we have."

Shock turned to her. "I sleep on a couch. We'll be fine."

Sally smiled and closed the door, leaving the three inside. Barrel walked over to the bed and collapsed on it, falling asleep instantly. Lock took the extra pillows and made a bed for himself, while Shock made a nest out of blankets. It was the best treatment the three had ever gotten.

And they never wanted it to end.


The next morning, Jack was up two hours earlier then usual. When Sally came stumbling down the stairs at 4 for a drink, he was there, sipping his coffee, a look of content on his face. Sally froze when she saw him.

"What are you planning?" she asked.

"I'm just glad those rotten children will get what they deserve," said Jack happily. "Are they awake yet?"

"No," said Sally. "Nobody should be at this hour, it's unnatural."

Jack set the cup down, a smile appearing on his skeletal face. Sally shook her head and went into the kitchen for a glass. She filled it with water and sat down next to her husband. "Since I have you here, I need to ask. Why do you hate those children?"

"They're monsters," said Jack simply. "Little demons."

"Oh really," said Sally. She took a sip of water then stood up. "Follow me." The two walked up the spiral stairs quietly and into the guest bedroom.

Barrel had fallen off the bed and curled up next to Shock. Lock was using Shock's back as a headrest and Shock was snoring softly. They were as far from monsters as monsters got.

Jack looked at Sally. "What are you trying to show me?"

Sally sighed and closed the door. "They love each other. More then anything. Keep that in mind when you torture them." She turned away without a backwards glace and went back into their bedroom.

Jack looked back into the bedroom, before sighing in defeat and walking back downstairs.

A few hours later, Sally was in the kitchen making pancakes. Jack was eating and reading the moth eaten newspaper. Lock, Shock, and Barrel were awake and sitting around the table silently. Jack was stealing them glances over his newspaper. Sally brought over steaming plates of pancakes and set them down in front of the Boogie Boys, one by one. Their eyes grew wide.

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