21. Halloween Town's Finest

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*Hello everyone who is reading this story! Thank you for sticking with these characters and their journey until the very end, it really means a lot. And without further ado, I present the final chapter of Lock, Shock, and Barrel. (It's gonna be kind of short :))*

Halloween Town gathered in front of a Town Hall. Sally had thrown an incredible party with delicious food and extravagant decorations. The Boogie Boys were infamous all over once again and they loved it. Lock, Shock, and Barrel were hoarding around the candy table and eating all of it. If someone tried to take any, they glared at them until they walked away. Emily and Veronica were spying on Vanessa and Derek, giggling every time they kissed. She, You, Me, and the rest of the That family had been invited to the party as well. They were conversing with Sally about Halloween Town, while You looked around and said hi to every single person she saw. Jack stared proudly at the turnout of the party as he stood on the steps of city hall next to Mayor.

"It is a wonderful party," said Mayor to Jack. "Sally really outdid herself this time."

"She sure did," said Jack proudly. "She sure did."

Mayor took a deep breath and handed Jack three sheets of paper. "Here's what you asked for. Just know that once you sign these, there's no turning back."

Jack smiled at Mayor. He flipped through the papers and nodded. "Thank you Mayor. I am prepared to do this, I've changed towards them. Emily will be delighted."

"Just make sure you give them the right one," said Mayor.

Jack waved the papers in the air. "I've got it." He walked down the stairs and motioned Sally over. Sally said something to the That family and walked over to Jack.

"Do you have them?" she asked.

Jack nodded. "We just need to get them all here at the same time to tell them."

Sally nodded. "I'll go get them together, then we can tell them."

Jack nodded again and waited while Sally went and got Emily, Lock, Shock, and Barrel. The four were really confused.

"I'm innocent," said Lock quickly.

"Shut up," Shock growled.

"I don't feel good," said Barrel, rubbing his stomach.

"You probably ate to much candy," said Emily.

Jack cleared his throat. "I want all four of you to be here because I wanted to give you these." He handed Lock, Shock, and Barrel one of each of the three papers upside down.

"Blank paper?" said Lock.

"I can get this at the bottom of a printer," said Shock.

"I concur," said Barrel.

Sally chuckled. "Flip them over."

The Boogie Boys flipped the papers over at the same time. In big bold letters at the top it said: CERTIFICATE OF ADOPTION. Their eyes grew wide as they scanned the rest of the page. Emily peeked over Shock's elbow to read the paper.

"What does it mean?" she asked.

"We're going to be a family," said Sally. "All six of us."

"I suddenly don't feel sick anymore," said Barrel. He paused, paled and shook his head. "Never mind."

The others laughed. Shock pulled Emily into a hug. "I guess that means we're sisters now."

Emily beamed and hugged her back. Sally felt her heart melt at the motion.

"This means you won't kill us?" said Lock.

Jack nodded. "I promise not to."

"Yay!" said Lock.

"I have to tell Veronica!" said Emily. She turned to her friend and hollered. "HEY VERONICA! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!!"

Sally smiled at the three Boogie Boys. "We realized the only family you had was each other, and we wanted to, with your permission of course, expand that small family into a larger one."

The three looked at each other and smiled.

"We would love that," said Lock.

"Will we get pancakes?" asked Shock.

"Yes," said Sally. "Every weekend."

"Good," said Barrel. "Our candy diet is not sitting well with my stomach."

"Lock! Shock! Barrel!" Emily and Veronica yelled. They were at Halloween Town's gate with some other kids. "Come on! We're gonna race to the HBTH!"

Lock looked at Shock, who looked at Barrel, who shrugged. "I'm game," he said.

Lock held out his hand. "Lock."

"Shock," said Shock, grabbing it and holding out her other one.

"Barrel," said Barrel, grabbing Shock's hand.

"Halloween Town's finest trick-or-treaters," said Lock with a smile.

"Last one to the house is a rotten pumpkin," said Shock, letting go and running off.

"Hey!" said Lock. "You're cheating!"

"Girls!" said Barrel.

"It's not cheating if you win!" said Emily. She, Veronica and the other kids ran after Shock. Lock and Barrel looked at each other, shrugged and ran after them. The sun set around Halloween Town as the kids ran off into the night, not a worry on their mind.

Because, if you think about it, they really were Halloween's finest.

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