20. Rescuing the Rescue Team

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A/N: Wow, chapter 20! Time really flies! I never thought I'd get this far. Enjoy the last two chapters!

The storm in Christmas Town died down enough for the citizens of Halloween Town to go examine the area. Like the werewolf said, there was no door for them to go through to get to Halloween Town. The search party was in an uproar. 

"What do we do now?"

"We're trapped!"

"What if it was those pesky kids?"

"How could it be? They didn't know we were here!"

"Everyone, please!" said Jack. "Calm down. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation."

"Sure," said the werewolf. "We're trapped in the land of candy canes and joy. That's the explanation." 

"What if we tried going through one door and finding the Halloween Town door in that town?" asked Sally. 

"It's too risky," said Jack. "We don't know which ones could be like this as well."

Sally sighed. The party went into chaos once again. There was a gust of wind and a heart door opened. A girl with red hair and pink skin poked her head out and smiled widely. "Yoohoo! Are you lovely folks from Halloween Town?"

Sally glanced at Jack with wide eyes. "Who are you?"

"You!" said the girl.

"Excuse me?" said Jack.

"Her name is You," said Emily, tumbling out of the door in a bright pink winter coat with sprakly boots. "Hi Mom! Hi Dad!" 

Jack and Sally waved weakly. 

"How the jack-o-lantern did they get here?" asked a werewolf.

"Easy," said Veronica, climbing out of the hole. "But it's gonna take some explaining."

"We have time," said Jack. "Do explain."

Emily looked at Veronica. "Okay."

"Here we go," said Veronica. "It started-"

"WAIT!" Lock, Shock, and Barrel tumbled out of the door in their beige coats.

"We need to put in our part," said Shock.

"Yep," said Lock.

"I like story time!" said Barrel.

"Me too!" said You.

"Just don't kill us," said Shock with a glance at Jack.

"Fine," said Jack. "Get it over with."

"Okay," said Veronica. "It started after we defeated the evil bug."

"Evil bug?" said Sally.

"You missed a lot," said Lock.

"Anyways," said Emily. "Lock said he knew someone who might be able to help with the rescue mission."

"I know someone who might be able to help with that," said Lock.

"Who?" asked Emily.

"You," said the Boogie Boys in unison.

"I don't know what to do," said Emily.

"No, her name is You," said Barrel.

"Everybody in Valentine's Town's name is a pronoun," said Shock.

"You get used to it," said Lock.

"So, we went into the Valentine's Town door and met up with You," said Emily.

"Whoa," said Lock. "You make it sound like a walk in the park."

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