2. The House Beyond the Hill

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The house beyond the hill(I'm guessing you know what it looks like) was more like a tree house. It was suspended in a tree and in order to get to it, well, there was a cage elevator for that. And in other words, the house was being held together by duct tape. The inside looked about the same. But some of it was modified. The kitchen was old and bats lived in the cupboards. There were boxes of cereal in the pantries and instant macaroni cups for lunch and dinner. There was a mini staircase of about three steps that lead into a door less bedroom. There were no beds in this room, only two hammocks and a couch. In the top hammock (for they were on top of each other) was one person, and beneath them was another. And someone slept on the couch. A little ways away from that room was the Oogie Boogie chute. The cardboard frame that was held on with duct tape was falling off and the six-year-old crayon drawings were fading. The house was infested with roaches and beetles and smelled of mildew and mold. Lock, Shock, and Barrel called it home nonetheless.

Lock and Barrel had grown tremendously in the past ten years and both ranged at heights of 5' 11". Shock was at least one inch shorter than them. She slept on the couch while Barrel took the high hammock and Lock resided in the lower hammock. Shock's hair had grown an fell in dense dark bouncy curls straight down her back. Lock's hair was messy an red like six years ago. he an Barrel resided to cutting their hair with knives they found in the kitchen. There was also the case of the alarm clock. There was a small table at the head of Shock's couch. On the table was the screeching alarm clock. I say screeching, because it literally screeched. It struck 8:00 and all of the demons of the underworld would be beaten in a screaming contest. Any second now, it was going to happen...


The pumpkins all around the house shriveled at the sound. But it was what came after that made it the worst.

"Oh jack-o-lanterns that's loud!" Shock covered her ears.

"Somebody shut it off!" Lock yelled.

Barrel rolled over in his sleep. Lock kicked him.

"OW!" Barrel yelled.

"Turn off the alarm clock you dolt!" Lock yelled at him.

"Have you forgotten that I'm all the way up here?" Barrel snapped.

Shock rolled her eyes and feebly raised her arm and slammed it on the screeching alarm clock, making the noise stop. "Your welcome."

"Oh, my head," whined Barrel.

"Which one of us was stupid enough to buy THAT?" asked Lock.

"I ordered it, dillweed," said Shock.  

"Why?" asked Barrel.

"To make us suffer?" Lock asked.

"No," said Shock, getting off the couch. "It was mandatory, I just picked that one."

"I told you they hate us," said Barrel.

"They don't hate us," said Lock.

"Yes they do," said Barrel. He rolled over and fell with a yelp onto Lock's hammock.

"Ouch dude," Lock snapped.

"Not much for me," said Barrel. "You cushioned my fall."

"Get offa me," Lock said, shoving Barrel off the hammock and toppling out himself. They both landed on a heap on the rotted wooden floor at Shock's feet.

"Oh good," said Shock flatly. "Your out of bed." She turned on her heel and left the room and marched into the kitchen.

"Get. Off. Of. Me," said Lock through gritted teeth.

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