30 - LostGirl16

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Dear MissAuthor2B,

I have a boy problem and I can't go to my friends for help because I'm afraid they'll tell my other friend. So here's my problem: I really, really like this guy but he and one of my best friends are basically 'unofficially dating'. A couple days ago I had my birthday party and I was kind of upset because none of my friends sang happy birthday to me (even though it was just my party) and on top of that they didn't talk to me much during the actual party. So I got a stomach ache and went home early so they stayed there with out me. 

Will was the only one who said happy birthday and he lives a half hour away. He knew because my friend told him. He sent me a video of a dancing light up cake that sang a Happy Birthday song. That was so sweet of him and he also kept complementing me so I think he might like me. Again the problem is that my friend really likes him and I dont want to be a bad friend. She's also super skinny and pretty and I feel like I dont stand a chance. Please help):



Dear LostGirl16,

Okay well firstly, Happy Belated Birthday !! =)

I'm going to start by saying that it doesnt sound like your best friend would care much about being a bad friend if she was in your situation. I think your friends should've said happy birthday and tried to comfort you when you weren't well =(

Putting that aside though, you say you ''really, really like this guy'' and you said ''I think he might like me''. I think that seeing as he's been such a sweet guy to you, cheering you up and complimenting you, he really might. Either way, I'm sure he cares about you and he seems like a nice guy.

If you like him and so does your friend, I think you should talk to her about it. It's common for friends to crush on the same person. Talk it through, maybe agree to let him decide who he likes? Either way, if you and your friend are close then it shouldn't really matter. Just be honest.

Another thing, don't EVER think that you don't have a chance. Trust me, things don't always work out the way you expect them to. And you really shouldn't think you don't have a chance because you think your friend's got an advantage because she's ''skinny'' or ''pretty'', from what I know, guys like girls with a ''figure'' and plus you're really pretty yourself.

Good luck,

       MissAuthor2B xoxo

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