Part 11 - Sincerely, Kitten

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Akiria's POV

Today is the day I leave Katsuki. It doesn't help that he hasn't spoken to anyone since I had him bite me. I had another nightmare last night. I woke up and Katsuki wasn't even in the room with me. The made me feel even guiltier.

His expression is usually an angry scowl and glare or a blank stare. He refuses to be in the same room with me most the time. I felt bad for being a nuisance so I just stayed away from him as well.

Everyone just left for school. Shinso being the last to leave. He told me when I'd get picked up and wished me luck.

After my nightmare last night, I packed a small bag of clothes to last me a week. I bid my goodbyes to Wink then roamed the dorms until my ride arrived. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I walked out of the dorm. My expression is blank. I threw my bag into the trunk of the car then climbed into the backseat.

I had left Katsuki a letter on his bed. I was originally begging for him not to hate me. But now part of me wishes that Aizawa and Hizashi weren't going to be adopting me. I feel as though Katsuki already hates me for asking for him to bite me.

The car drove away with the driver telling me about how my next week is going to go.
Speak only when spoken to.
Use proper manners.
Be elegant.
Be clean.
Be normal.

My life is anything but normal, lady.

Katsuki's POV

"Bakugo, do you know the answer?" Mr. Aizawa asked me yet again. Like a broken record, I shook my head again. Our teacher sighed heavily. "What has gotten into you?" I shrugged my shoulders, unwilling to answer.

"Uh, is that Akiria?" Someone pointed out. The mention of her name made images flash before my eyes. I was quickly reminded of how warm and soft her skin is, the warmth of her blood on my tongue, and just the general taste in general. I shuddered.

"Why is she getting in a car?" Someone else asked. I instantly flew to the window just in time to watch the car take off. I sped out of the building and to the street. There's no car in sight. Panic filled me.

"Bakugo, I can explain." A voice said. I spun around to see my extras (his class) as well as Mr. Aizawa. My teacher had been the one to speak.

"Then fucking do so." I growled. My voice seemed to startle the extras.

"Remember last week when I had to take Akiria into the school with me?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Nezu told her that she's not allowed at U.A. anymore and that she must be sent to an orphanage." The other extras seemed to stunned by the news. "She's surprisingly managed to keep it a secret. They told her that if she told someone, she'd leave almost immediately."

"Why?" Round Face choked out.

"Because of him." Aizawa pointed at me. "Nezu knew that if he knew about it, he wouldn't let her go." I felt my anger really start to boil. My mate... is gone...

"She... She just left me." I breathed out under my breath.

"Bakugo, she struggled with this information. She wanted to tell you. She wanted to tell someone." Mr. Aizawa tried to soothe my anger.

"Mr. Aizawa, this isn't fair." Shitty Hair stepped in.

"I know. I tried convincing Nezu to let her stay, but he has to follow the law. She has no parents and must stay in an orphanage until she's eighteen." Aizawa said at last. "She's untraceable so don't even dare portals or spells." An explosion went off in my hand. My quirk was quickly erased by Aizawa. I growled at him. "The eight closest to her get the day off. This includes Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Uraraka, Hitoshi Shinso, Ejiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Mina Ashido, Shoto Todoroki, and Katsuki Bakugo. Everyone else get back to class." The eight of us walked back to the dorms. I clenched my fists at my sides. Nobody said a thing until we were behind closed doors.

"Deku, is there a reverse to that potion?" I snarled.

"I... I don't know." Deku stuttered. His eyes are brimmed with tears. I looked at the others. Tears are streaming down Round Face and Shitty Hair's cheeks. Raccoon Eyes and Dunce Face have watery eyes with not-yet fallen tears. Icyhot is wearing a frown. Dead Eyes doesn't look all that sad about it. I just want to blow something up or sink my teeth into something. Kitten is out there. She's unprotected. She needs us. Wink suddenly came running up to me. He had a folded paper in his mouth. I took it from him. He barked at it. I slowly opened the paper. It's a letter from Kitten.

Dear Katsuki,
I'm sorry. I really am. I never wanted this. I never wanted to hurt you. Please don't hate me? I'm sorry for leaving, I'm sorry for asking you to bite me, and I'm sorry for keeping secrets. I won't be returning to U.A. as I don't have any way to join the school. I hope Wink can provide some emotional support for you. Please don't shut yourself down just because I'm gone. I like seeing you smile. I'm going to miss you and everyone else. Don't let them be sad either. Don't come looking for me either. Please?


I felt a tear slide down my face. It fell down onto the paper. I shook with anger. This caused me to rip the paper in half. "Kacchan, I'm sorry." Deku whispered. I was about to punch him, but I reframed from doing so. I fell to my knees. Kitten trusted these people. I should too.

"I just want her back." I admitted. My voice is weak. More tears fell down my face. "I need her. I'll go insane without her here. She's the entire reason I'm on Earth. She... She's gone."

That's part eleven! We just recently had a school-meeting about bad relationships and this made me realize how possessive Bakugo is in this. Oh well, he's a vampire so it doesn't matter.


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