Part 37 - Promises and Hot Guys

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Just for those who can't handle BoyXBoy relationships, there is a little sexual scene in Izuku's Midoriya's point of view later on. 😘 Shoto and Izuku get some of the spotlight today! 💖💖
Honestly though, it's mainly to show why Katsuki is so resistant and worried about doing anything sexual with Akiria. So, with that being said, it gets a little rough between in the TodoDeku department.

Akiria's POV

I woke up to a kiss on my forehead. I wrapped my arm around his neck, pulling him back down to my level. "Good morning, Katsuki." I breathed out. I stared straight into his soft, crimson red eyes.

"Good morning, beautiful." He whispered. "Do you know what today is?" I shook my head. "Our one month anniversary." My eyes widened. "Yeah, it's pretty crazy. For the record, I've never dated a girl more than a week." I giggled. He gently pressed his lips against mine. "You're so fucking beautiful. Get dressed, meet me downstairs in two hours."


I ran down the stairs with excitement coursing through my veins. Katsuki greeted me with a kiss. I couldn't help but smile. "Come on, I'm taking you out to eat." We walked to a nearby fast food place. Katsuki ordered for the both of us. I went to find a table to sit at. Just as I sat down, a strange man sat in front of me.

"What is a nice, fine, young lady like you doing sitting here all alone?" He asked me. My eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh, I'm waiting on my boyfriend." I replied.

"Nice try, sis. Meet me in the back. You're in for a-" I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up to find Katsuki standing there with a pissed off expression. A bright smile crept onto my face. "Is this your b-boyfriend?" I nodded my head. "You-You're dating the Katsuki Bakugo."

"Yeah. Did you not watch the Sports Festival or..." I trailed off.

"D-Dude, you're amazing." The man stuttered. Katsuki placed his fists on the table, leaning down to the man's ear level.

"Well, you just flirted with my girlfriend then told her to meet you in the back for a good time when she already told you that she's taken. I suggest you scram before I make you get to moving." Katsuki growled. The man quickly got up and scurried away. Katuski took his seat.

"That's better." I said. Katsuki scowled in the direction that the man had gone.

"Can you promise me something?" He asked suddenly after a few minutes of silence. He finally tore his gaze from the door, looking straight into my eyes. I nodded my head. "If you ever see someone flirting with me, tell them to get the fuck away."

"I think I can do that." He gave me a small smile. We talked about random things until our food came. After we finished eating, I noticed Katsuki rub his throat a bit. "Are you alright?" I inquired. Katsuki shrugged his shoulders. "Do you need to...?" I trailed off, not wanting to say the rest out loud. He knew what I meant and nodded. We both got up. We put our trays away then exited the building. We went around to the back. Katsuki pushed me up against the building, his fangs quickly going into my neck.

"Oh, so he can have fun with you, but I can't?" A cold voice asked. I opened my eyes to find the man from before.

"Were you waiting on me?" I inquired. sharply. Katsuki's fangs dug deeper into my flesh.

"No. I already have three girls tied up in my car." The man replied, pointing to his vehicle. I kept myself from reacting. "Tell anyone and I'll kill you both." Katsuki removed his fangs, but didn't pick his head up.

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