Part 63 - Eri's Day

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~Saturday, December 21, 2019~
Akiria's POV

"It's snowing!" Eri exclaimed. She had stayed over with Katsuki and I for the night as we are officially on winter break. Shota and Hizashi are planning her party so they left her in the care of me and my boyfriend. Katsuki groaned, picking up his phone and checking the time.

"Oi, brat, it's six thirty in the fucking morning. Go back to sleep." The ash blonde grumbled. Eri continued to jump on him.

"But I wanna play!" She yelled. She may be nine now, but she still acts like she's four.

"What the hell is snow?" I inquired. Katsuki literally shot up into a sitting position.

"Eri, go wake the others." He ordered. The little girl squealed then ran off. Katsuki dragged me out of bed then over to the balcony. My mouth fell open the minute I looked through the window. Katsuki took me outside. He reached up and a little white thing fell on his hand. He held it up for me to examine for closely. "Don't touch it." He warned me. "They'll normally melt upon direct contact with heat. It's staying because my body temperature is always cold because I'm a vampire. Yours isn't because of your demonic genes." I nodded in understanding. Katsuki let that one go then caught another. "No two snowflakes are the same." He breathed out. I seen some fall into my hair. They melted rather quickly whereas they stayed on Katsuki's hair and eyelashes. My eyebrows furrowed. I glanced down at my hand with a frown. "What's wrong?" Katsuki asked. He took my hand in his. The snow really made the color of his eyes stand out.

"I just wish I could catch them too." I breathed out. My breath caused some of them to float away from me.

"You could try cooling your temperature." The ash blonde suggested. "Just relax."

"That's not good for me, Kat." I muttered. "I've... tried..."

"What do you mean? Why didn't I know?" I reached my hand out. A snowflake fell on it, but melted before I could really get a good look.

"I only tried it once. It was one of those days that you and the guys all went out to let us girls have some fun in the dorms. We had decided to do some training. They suggested to try cooling my temperature down. The thought was that if I can produce cold flames, I should be able to cool myself. So I tried, and I failed. Bad." I let out a sigh. "They ended up needing to take me to Recovery Girl. I had successfully chilled my body temperature, but I nearly froze the entire inside of my body."

"What?" Katsuki gasped.

"My body can't handle being cold like that. I turned off the heat and within only a minute, I was on the ground, shivering. It was like being trapped in Shoto's ice, but it's inside me instead of around me. It hurt so much." I looked down at my hands as the memory played so vividly through my head.

"How'd they get you back to normal?" The vampire inquired. I gave him a dry laugh.

"They had seven heaters around me. It took about an hour to thaw out my insides." I told him honestly. "I didn't tell you because it didn't matter. I never wanted to do it again." Katsuki grabbed my hand then pulled me into his arms. He kissed my lips passionately. My eyebrows furrowed at the sudden affection, but I kissed him anyway. His hands cupped my face, digging into my hair. Then they squeezed my waist. He didn't seem to know what to do with them at this point. I brought our bodies closer right as a certain voice cried out,

"Ew! PDA!" Katsuki broke from the kiss, leaning back.

"This is our room!" Katsuki yelled at Eri. He let me go then chased after her. She squealed and took off running. I watched as he easily scooped her up and started tickling the little nine year old. I giggled at the two. I went over to them. Eri screamed as Katsuki relentlessly tickled her. This caused Shota, Hizashi, and Shinso to come running. The three seen her predicament and all sighed.

Blood and Teeth (Vampire A.U.) Katsuki BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now