Part 27 - Is it Considered Shirtless if He's Covered in Bandages?

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Akiria's POV

I woke up to the sound of Katsuki groaning. I reached over to soothe him or something, but my hand was met with sheets. I shot up into a sitting position, my vision blurring and head spinning for a minute. Katsuki is limping his way to the door. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked rather loudly. Katsuki flinched, slowly turning to face me.

"Going to take a shower."

"No!" I scrambled to get out of the sheets, running to him. He's covered in bandages. The only thing he's wearing is sweats. I can't see anything impressive because of the bloody white bandages. "Get back into bed." I demanded. My voice broke just a bit. Katsuki smirked at this.

"Why do you get to boss me around, hmm?" He hummed. He placed a hand under my chin. I pulled back, a deep frown on my face.

"I'm not playing around, Katsuki."

"Kitten, I'm perfectly fine. I promise."

"No, you're not! Stop trying to be Mr. Tough Guy. It's okay to be hurt." I took a deep breath. "Please, Katsuki?"

"I feel like shit and I want to take a shower."

"But-" He placed his finger over my lips.

"How about you come with me then." My cheeks immediately turned bright red. Katsuki let out a husky chuckle. "Not like that. Wouldn't matter to me though. I've already seen you naked." If even possible, my cheeks got brighter. "I meant you can wait outside and wrap me back up. If I somehow hurt myself, you could come and help me." He placed his cool hand on my cheek. I let out a breath.

"Fine." Katsuki smiled at me. He took my hand then led me to the elevator. We rode down to the bottom floor then went into the men's shower room. I started by helping take the bandages off Katsuki's upper body. The wounds looked worse than they did last night.

"Katsuki, I don't think they're supposed to look like this..." I trailed off. Katsuki studied my face for a long moment.

"I want so badly to tell you that I'm okay, but... I don't think I can." He muttered. "Hey, Icyhot!" He called. The angel suddenly flew into the room. "I think somethings wrong." Shoto called for his boyfriend. Izuku appeared in a cloud of green smoke.

"We should take him to Aizawa." Izuku whispered. Shoto nodded and went over to Katsuki. The two left the room. I knelt down onto my knees, trying to fight my worries. "Akiria, has he fed from you?" I shook my head. "Good. Last thing we need is something happening to you." Izuku left. I'm assuming he thought I'd be following. But I couldn't get up. I couldn't go with him. Multiple flashes of images flashed before me. Every possible bad outcome. Every way that this could go wrong. My vision got blurry and my head felt like it weighed nothing and everything at the same time as it span around. My labored breaths came to a slow as my eyes closed and I lied on my side.

There I lied with steady breaths, a steady heartbeat, and a tear stained face. I hadn't known before that my breathing picked up, I hadn't known my heartbeat sped up, and I hadn't known I'd been crying. The only thing on my mind before I passed out was Katsuki Bakugo.

Katsuki's POV

Deku is making a potion of sorts again. He muttered something about my bite wounds getting infected with the possibility of driving me mad. I apparently could've gotten Kitten sick and my bite would've driven her mad as well. Wait...

"Where the fuck is Akiria?" I growled. I tried to sit up, but Icyhot forced me to lie back down. "Where is she?"

"Last I seen her was in the bathroom." Deku whispered. "I thought she was coming with me."

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