Part 61 - Starting Over

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Found this on a story from one of my favorite cosplayers; Ilabelle_ It cracked me up so much!

~Friday, November 15, 2019~
Katsuki's POV

You'd think that with how midterms went last week, they'd let up on us. But no. We've been training extra hard since. I placed fourth out of twenty two; right between Deku and Four Eyes. Icyhot got sixths and Ponytail got first. Kitten placed second. Her and her stupid ass brain. I swear she has a fucking photographic memory or some shit!

"Katsuki, calm down." A familiar, soothing voice whispered. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "You're radiating with anger."

"At least it doesn't affect others!" I barked back. Kitten took her seat in front of me.

"Why're you so upset?" She asked. Her soft blue eyes bore into mine. I let out a sigh. Her ability to so easily calm me down is unfathomable. Sometimes I don't get it.

"I just don't get how Deku is so much better at combat than me." I growled. "I used to beat his ass all the fucking time." Deku had beaten me during, yet another, combat training. He knows my moves better than I know him. Come to think of it, I barely know anything about the nerd yet he seems to know almost everything about me. I sat with furrowed brows as I thought this over. I can see Kitten watching me. I glanced over at her. "What?" My voice is softer than before. She smiled brightly at me. Her smile could outshine the sun on a cloudless day.

"You know how, don't you?" I nodded my head. "Maybe, it's just a thought, you and Izuku should try to be friends instead of rivals. While I'm still unsure of your history with him, don't you think eighteen years of fighting is more than enough?" I let out a sigh.

"It hasn't been eighteen years." I admitted. "We've been friends since his birth. I was there on July fifteenth when that little shit came into this world. I don't remember it as I was three months old, but there are pictures of our mothers holding us while sitting beside one another. Inko, Deku's mom, was still in her hospital bed, covered in sweat." I recalled looking at the photo with a tiny smile on my lips. "We stopped being friends shortly after I got my quirk. That's when my superiority complex manifested as well." I muttered more to myself than her.

"A person can't grow if there's something holding them down. Maybe you should apologize and ask if you guys can start anew, with a clean slate?" Kitten suggested.

"I don't think it'll be that easy. I've hurt him... a lot." I breathed out. This girl has brought out my soft side. Between her and Eijiro, I'm a fucking teddy bear. Kitten has unknowingly had me on a puppet's strings for months now.

"I don't know, Kat." She said as she rose to her feet. "If I could forgive Kotarou, even in the slightest, I think Izuku could forgive you."

"Wait... you forgave that bastard?" I hissed at her.

"He's dead, Katsuki. Remember my dream from awhile back?" I nodded. "He apologized and I forgave him. If someone has the guts to apologize, they should be forgiven. Especially those who have difficulties with doing so."

"Alright, Wise Lady." I grumbled as she walked away. I got up and turned around. Deku is talking to his boyfriend. I marched over to him and grabbed his wrist.

"Kacchan, what-"

"Shut up." I growled as I dragged him out of the room.

"You could be nicer..." I heard Kitten mumble. She made sure that only I'd hear her. I loosened my grip on the alchemist's hand. I shoved him against the wall once we were outside though.

"Kacchan, if this is about training, I-"

"Shut up and listen to me." I told him. There was not a malicious or rude tone to my voice. That alone made me proud of myself. "I had a talk with a very wise bitch. I was griping about how I lost to you and just talking made me realize  that you know more about me than I do you. I've known you for eighteen long ass years. I remembered seeing a picture of us and our mothers after you were born. Then the wise bitch suggested that I ask for a clean slate. I can't promise that I'll be the perfect, kind friend, but I can promise that I'll try. So, Izuku, do you think we could start over?" I held out my hand to shake. A blush covered his cheeks as he smiled at me.

"Yeah, Kacchan. As long as you never call me that again." He said, grabbing my hand then pulling me into a hug. I stiffened for a moment before relaxing into it. I patted his back.

"Why can't I call you Izuku?" I asked after we parted. "It's your name."

"Because it doesn't feel right. While Deku may be what everyone will one day call me, I'd like for the person who gave me the name to keep saying it as well. I know you gave it with malicious intent, but I think it's special coming from you. After all, you're my friend, right?" I stared into his green eyes. My own crimson ones are wide with surprise. I let what he just said sink in then smiled.

"Yeah, friends."

"So, imma take a wild guess and say this wise person happens to be a certain brown haired, blue eyed girl." Deku said, nudging me. I rolled my eyes.

"Sadly. She, uh, had a dream awhile back. It was after one of our fights. She seen every person who ever hurt her as well as her mother. She forgave Kotarou simply because he apologized. Kitten said that you'd do the same for me. As well as the clean slate thing." I muttered. "Is that why you forgave me?"

"No. I forgave you a long time ago, Kacchan. You just wanted to be the best and I respected that so much. It was after All Might's fight with All For One, after we had rescued you, when you thought it was your fault. I forgave you then. I've just been waiting for you to give me a reason to tell you." He explained. I could only nod my head in understanding. "Hey, how about instead of just striving to beat one another, we strive to push each other to do better as well by competing. Kind of like you and Akiria. You both go into fights intending to win, but you push each other while you're fighting." He thought for a moment. "Oh! I got it! A friendly rivalry."

"I think I could live with that." I agreed. Kitten suddenly burst out of the classroom.

"Told you!" She exclaimed. She wrapped her arms around me. "I'm so proud of you!" I simply rolled my eyes as I hugged her back. Deku chuckled then went into the classroom.

"I'm proud of me too." I whispered.

That's part sixty one! I thought this was much needed after three years. They're finally friends. Or, friendly rivals. 😂💖


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