♡♥ inspiration ♡♥

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The PM boys get home from yet another exciting meeting with their label. All the boys go to the kitchen to find food while Zion and Brandon go sit in the living room.

Zion's POV

"So, since you and Maggie decided to be just friends who are you going to pick to be your love interest?" I asked B.

"I don't have a lot of options, maybe Kiana you never know."

I know he did not just say that.

"Nah you ain't asking her. Not a chance." I scoffed.

"And why not?"

"Because she's my best friend, I'm asking her no matter what." I cheesed.

"Well it's her choice. Let's make a deal." He offered.

"I'm listening."

"Whoever works out the most gets to ask her first." He smirked.

"Boy, you bout to lose so easily. There's no way anyone can resist me."

Third POV

Zion was so confident in getting Kiana just so B couldn't, but Brandon still had a fair chance to get her faster. For the next week they both worked out to the point of extreme exhaustion. Four days into the bet they came in the house ready to toss it off the table.

"B, I give up. You can have her. I'm so fucking tired it's sad." Zion yawned.

"Nah, you ask her. I could pass out on the sp- YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" Brandon exclaimed.

Zion immediately turned his head towards the balcony. Both of their jaws dropped as they watched Nick and Kiana makeout in the hammock they set up.

"Well that was all for nothing." Zion said walking back to his room.

"Tell me about it." Brandon scoffed slouching down on the couch.

Nick Wins.

Disclaimer: neither of the boys liked Kiana (except Nick), they are just really close with her so it wouldn't be difficult to work with her instead of a hired actress. Also this was a separate imagine before I turned it into a story, so that's why it's quick and has no major plot line.

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