Kim Taehyung

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"The first humans on earth were born with five different hair colors: yellow, magenta, cyan, black and white. As time went on, new hair colors appeared, orange, red, pink, purple, green, blue, sky blue, and every color you can think of basically. The joke is on us cause it can't be dyed. Thing is, humans have this thing for classification and need to have a way of separating everything and ruin it. So once there were at least a thousand people of each hair color this blue guy that lived a lot of time ago proposed that we divide in colors, and for some stupid reason everyone was like 'hell yeah' so they did that and now pure colors (a kid made by two of the same hair color) are born and for some reason more liked than the rest of us. In my opinion, all of it is just bullshit because your hair color is not even defined by your parent's ones, you can have two yellow parents and be born a purple, I mean you're probably going to be a yellow but anything can happen so it's just ridiculous. Oh, and in case I forgot to mention it, now, colors can't have contact with each other so, hah, even worse.
And that is how the color division system appeared according to the legend"

Everyone was speechless after that oral class presentation. The teacher was furious.

"KIM TAEHYUNG! You disrespected too many things to even keep the count!! You have an F and detention today after school. You need to learn how to behave. You are by far the worst student I ever had!! I would rather you do nothing than this!"

To be honest, it wasn't the first time Taehyung misbehaved badly at school. He did the stuff he was asked to do, but he did it his way.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and sat down.

"Okay class, I hope tomorrow's presentation explains our current division system better than today's completely inappropriate one. I'll see all of you tomorrow, class dismissed"

Teahyung sat up and grabbed his stuff from his desk. He always carried some of his books in his arms to get some weight off his backpack. He walked to the teacher's desk and she handed him the detention card, the card he was used to holding by now.

"If only you'd study and work seriously, you would be the best student I have, you are very smart and capable Taehyung."

He looked down with a frown and walked out of the classroom. He made his way to the detention classroom and sat where he would always sit, next to the window so he could take some pictures of the beautiful view: a pink school next to his, where only pink-haired students studied. He was tired of his school, everyone was a blue, of course, and it was boring. He'd never spoke to anyone with another hair color in real life, how could he? If he did, he would have really bad consequences, it was against the law, ridiculous in Taehyung's opinion.

He took the pictures and then just looked outside the window to see everyone. A bunch of different colors walking right and left, no one talking with anyone that wasn't the same color as them, obviously.

Taehyung wasn't much of a social bug, the only kid that he thought was cool to hang out with was Youngjae, he wouldn't call him his friend but it was the closest thing there was to it. The majority of the blues were boring, calm, correct, and he was kind of the complete opposite, but for some reason, he was still a blue.

After detention, he walked back home. Walking back home was a nice part of the day for him because not only he was leaving the place he disliked the most but also he could look at everyone in the streets.
Also, the red school finished at the same time than his and he would always bump into this red guy and never apologize because it was forbidden to, but one time the red guy bumped into him so hard he mouthed a sorry to Taehyung, and that was the wildest and crazy experience he's ever had.
He hadn't bumped into the red guy because he left school late that day.

He was finally home. He nudged his mom asking him how the presentation was and entered his bedroom dropping all of his stuff after. He threw himself on his bed and covered his eyes with his arm, not realizing he had left the door open.
His mom was now leaning on the door frame looking at him.

"I asked you how was the presentation."
"Aren't I too old for you to ask me that?"
"Taehyung you are eighteen. You are in fact still young enough for me to ask you that"
"It was horrible."
"What? But you studied a lot and practiced a lot, I heard you and it was great!"
"Yeah, thing is, I improvised in class because I'm trying to give a different message than the others"
"What's your message?"
"That this fucking division system is useless and bullshit." Taehyung sounded broken.

His mother didn't know what to say. Due to the silence, he thought she was gone and he stood up to close the door, uncovering his face and showing his red puffy eyes.

"Tae my love, why are you crying?" She asked worriedly. She got closer to him and pulled him into a warm hug. He was going to answer but he couldn't because when she hugged him he broke down into tears. He wasn't a crying kind of person but he was very angry, sad, and tired.

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