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They spent the day doing stuff together and Taehyung and Jin got to know each other a bit better.

Taehyung was very tired and decided to take a nap leaving the other two alone in the living room.

"So...boyfriend huh?"
"We hadn't had time to talk about this much but...I'm glad you met someone like him who truly makes you happy."
"So you're okay with this whole box thing?"
"I'm glad" Jimin smiled "the only thing that bothers me is that I can't help to feel like it's my fault that Taehyung is here too. He was very close to his mother and I don't know what to do. I mean, he's never gonna speak to her again. And what about her?? She's never gonna see her only son ever again. And the worst thing is that she has no way to know that this is not like jail, and even if she knew, would she want to spend the rest of her life here?"

Jin looked at Jimin with a sad expression. He was right, Taehyung and his mother had lost each other forever and had no way to fix it, what was there left to do?

He sighed "don't blame yourself, both of you broke the law"
"But for sure they wouldn't have discovered us if I didn't run away from home. So it is my fault, I just agree with Taehyung that it's both of our faults so he doesn't feel worst."
"But would you rather live the rest of your life out there where you need to hide your relationship or being in here where you can be free to be who you are"
"I rather live here. But I don't care what I prefer, I want to know if he would choose the same thing" Jimin said while a tear ran down his face.

"Please don't cry Jimin, maybe you just need to talk about this a bit more with him,"
"Maybe you're right, I can try," he said sniffing and whipping his tears away.

Jimin sighed "I think I'm gonna lay down for a bit too, I'm tired"
"Okay, sleep well baby bro, I'll wake you two up before dinner" Jin smiled
"Thanks," Jimin said standing up.

He walked through the hall and entered Taehyung's room. He was surprised when he didn't see him there. He was a bit confused so he checked on the bathroom but he wasn't there either.

After that he thought there was only one more place he could be at, so he walked across the hall and entered his own room. There he was, sleeping peacefully on top of Jimin's bed. This image made Jimin smile widely, and the thought that Taehyung preferred sleeping there made him smile even more.

He walked inside and carefully closed the door. Then he walked to his bed and laid down slowly next to Taehyung. Instantly, like automatically, he wrapped his arms around Jimin and pulled him even closer while he was still sleeping. Jimin was being held almost like if he was a teddy bear, but he loved it, that protection feeling Taehyung gave him could never even compare with anything else.

Jimin's face was inches away from Taehyung's while he smiled like a fool. Then he just closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep.

-some hours later-

*knock knock*
"Boys, dinner is ready, wake up," Jin said waking Taehyung up. Then he left.

"Babe, it's time to wake up," Taehyung said looking at Jimin inches apart from him
"Let's just keep sleeping"
"Jeez you like to sleep a lot"
"It's not that. I like sleeping with you holding me" he said sleepily making Taehyung smile widely.
"I like to hold you when I sleep" he replied and pecked his lips. "Let's go have dinner," he said and both of them got up.

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