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5:00 am

*loud noise*

"Tae" Jimin whispered, barely awake. Taehyung was deeply sleeping so he didn't even hear him.
"Tae," he said once again and softly shook him.
"Mmm," he replied.
"I heard a noise"
"It's probably nothing, go back to sleep baby," he said with his eyes closed and his husky voice. He hugged Jimin closer and he tried to fall asleep again. Hearing the noise once again made him open his eyes.
"Taehyung I think there's someone outside"
"Don't worry," Taehyung said and hugged Jimin tightly, making him calm down.

All of a sudden Jin opened the door and both Taehyung and Jimin jumped scared.
"Sorry to wake you up but, can you stop the noise? It's five in the morning" Jin asked with an angry tone.
"It's not us," Jimin said. The young couple heard a "see? I told you" said by Namjoon even though they couldn't see him. Jin left the room with a worried face and walked to Namjoon who was standing in the kitchen, next to the main door.

Jimin and Taehyung, who were now pretty scared stood up and followed them. Namjoon got closer to the door and tried to hear more clearly. It was a knock. Someone was knocking a lot on the door.

"I'm gonna open up, step back just in case," Namjoon said. He slowly unlocked the door and slightly opened it.
"Hello," the person outside said.
"Who are you, why are you knocking on our door at this hour?"
"I'm sorry, let me explain," she said.

She started talking to Namjoon, the other three couldn't really hear what she was saying, just a little bit of her voice. Taehyung stared firmly at the door and started walking towards it. Jin and Jimin tried to stop him but he insisted and kept walking.

"M-my name is Kim Nayeon, my son's name is-"
"Kim Taehyung" Namjoon whispered realizing who the blue-haired woman was. Taehyung reached the door and opened it slowly immediately recognizing her face. His eyes filled up with tears and his mouth formed a pout as he threw himself at his mother, embracing her tightly. They hugged there and cried a lot in each other's arms.
"Please come in," Namjoon said.

Taehyung's mom got inside the house, still holding his son, who wouldn't let go. They all sat down around the kitchen counter.
"I have so many questions," Taehyung said whipping his eyes and sitting down between her and Jimin.
"Before you ask, happy birthday baby," she said and kissed his head making him cry a bit more.
"Okay mom so, *sniff* him over there is Namjoon, that's Jin, and this is Jimin" Taehyung explained.
"Nice to meet all of you, thank you so much for taking care of Tae," she said looking at all of them "it's a pleasure to meet you Jimin, Tae told me a lot about you," she said making Jimin blush hardly. She couldn't take her hands off Taehyung, caressing his hair, his shoulders, holding his hands, she never wanted to let go of him ever again.

"You decided to come here? Not knowing what this was?" Taehyung suddenly asked her.
"Yes, after that call where Jimin told me what to do, I didn't hesitate."
"And are you gonna live with us now?"
"Actually, they told me that this house only has space for four people and that I will live in a house nearby, so I'll be close enough and I have space for two of you to come to sleep in my house sometimes"
"I'm so glad you're here mom"
"I am too" she smiled.
"Also, sorry for interrupting this early but I couldn't wait, I wanted to say happy birthday"

After a lot of talking and hugging, crying, and asking, Nayeon headed back to her new home and everyone went to sleep once again.
Jimin and Taehyung were laying down on Tae's bed cuddling while trying to fall back asleep. But Taehyung hadn't stopped crying happy tears since his mom had left for her house.
"Jimin" he whispered
"Yes?" He said caressing his cheek.
"Thank you so much for this. She got here because you sacrificed your phone call for me"
"It was the least I could do babe"
"I love you," Taehyung said and kissed the other one's cheek.
"I love you more"

(A/N: Please vote if you enjoyed!)

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