Not okay

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They hung out with Hobi and Yoongi for the rest of the day and became very good friends with Yoongi too.

The sun was coming down and they left for their house. The young couple was now alone laying on Jimin's bed. Jimin turned to face Taehyung and pouted a bit.
"I feel like we should get jobs"
Taehyung looked at him with a bit of a shocked face not knowing where this was coming from.
"I mean, Yoongi works, and maybe we can help a bit our hyungs that way"
"Yeah, one problem, I'm useless"
"No, you're not!" Jimin said sitting up looking mad at Taehyung for insulting Taehyung.
"Yes I am, I've tried jobs before to help my mom, none of them lasted a week. I'm not good at math, I can't make Starbucks drinks, and I can't fold clothes properly."

Jimin smiled because of what he had said and pecked his nose.
"We can walkers"
"Dog walkers?"
"I don't know...I've always been kind of afraid of big dogs"
"Okay. What about...we"
"I know!" Taehyung suddenly said sitting up with Jimin "we can babysit!"

Jimin's eyes glowed when he heard the idea. It was perfect, just what they needed, a job that doesn't have a regular schedule, and where they can set the rules themselves. Also, Jimin was good with kids so, it was a great idea.

"It's perfect Tae!!" He said jumping on top of Tae, now sitting on his lap "we should do that!"
"I'm glad you liked my idea," Tae said.

"We should tell Jin hyung and Joon so they can promote us"
"Okay, let's do that tomorrow, I'm tired"
"Okay," Jimin smiled and kissed Taehyung's cheek. Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jimin and pecked his neck.

They laid down next to each other and closed their eyes enjoying the closeness. After some time they fell asleep holding each other.

The next day the couple woke up and didn't spend a minute before walking to the kitchen and telling their hyungs about their new business.

"I think it's actually a great idea," Namjoon said "if you really want to I could tell everyone I know and that way you can help a bit more"
"Yeah I agree too," Jin said.

The younger couple looked at each other smiling widely because of their hyung's approval. After that, both Jimin and Taehyung decided to watch some movies. After a while Taehyung left telling Jimin he was gonna take a nap in his room.

Half an hour later Jimin decided to join his boyfriend and nap with him. He turned off the tv and walked to his room. He didn't knock cause he knew Taehyung was asleep, but little did he know he wasn't.

When he opened the door he found Taehyung curled up into a ball on his bed sobbing his eyes out. Worried, Jimin entered quickly, closing the door and sitting beside his boyfriend in the bed.

"TaeTae what's wrong?? Are you okay??" He asked turning Taehyung a bit to the side so he could see him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to see me like this"
"Tae I'm here to be with you when you smile and when you cry. You shouldn't hide it from me, why are you crying?"
"I miss her so much, I can't control it"
"Baby" Jimin pouted and hugged Taehyung close. "I'm sorry baby," he said rocking him a bit to calm him down.
"Tomorrow is my birthday and she won't be here and I can't think about anything else," he cried.
Jimin held him tighter and they were there crying and talking for hours until it was time for them to go to sleep.

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