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Jimin ran through the streets. He wanted to meet Taehyung, he wanted to see if he was okay, he needed to know he was okay. But after a few blocks he realized he didn't know where Taehyung lived, he just didn't know.

He stood on the street not knowing where to go. Losing the little hope he had, he realized there was one place where he knew Taehyung could be at: their tree.

He quickly made his way there and arrived. It wasn't a happy surprise that Taehyung wasn't there. More tears escaped Jimin's eyes as he sat down on the bench.

Hours and hours passed by and Jimin was still laid on the bench crying. The night approached and he was too tired to go back home, he didn't want to face his parent's anger and he didn't want Jin to scold him because of wanting to break the rules, so he decided to sleep there.


"I couldn't find him anywhere" Jimin's father announced when he was back home.
"Shit" Jin said "call him"
"He didn't take his phone," Mrs. Park said trying not to cry "I'm not gonna wait here with my arms crossed while my son can be out there lost or kidnaped, we need to call the police, they will find him."
Mr. Park nodded agreeing with her and that same night they reported Jimin missing.

The next day at 3:00 pm

"Wake up sleeping beauty"

Taehyung's voice woke up Jimin.

"Taehyung!!" Jimin said and pulled the other one into a tight hug.
"Woah, Is everything okay?" Taehyung asked wrapping his arms around Jimin.
"Yesterday my father told us a blue had said sorry to him and he told the police and they had taken him to The Box and I was terrified thinking it could be you"
"Don't worry, I'm okay" Taehyung smiled while he hugged Jimin tighter. "Did you sleep here all night??"
Jimin nodded backing up from the hug.
"You shouldn't have done that! Even if I was in The Box"
"Don't say that! I could never forgive myself if you ended up in there"
"I'm not going to end up there Chim, none of us" he smiled warmly.

Jimin had been too afraid the whole night and now all he wanted to do was hold Taehyung close to him and never let him go, that way he knows he's safe and sound.

Jimin threw himself to Taehyung again but this time he kissed him, very deeply. The kiss lasted at least five minutes and after that, they just glued their foreheads and breathed.

"I think I love you"

Jimin didn't get an answer, or at least not a spoken one, he saw how Taehyung's smile grew wide when he heard that, making him smile too.

"I love you t-" he was interrupted

The Park's where all over the streets looking for their missing son. At least ten detectives or whatever member of the police they were, they were looking too.

No sign of Jimin. Seokjin was the saddest of them all, Namjoon was trying to keep him going and not give up.

They'd been looking all around for Jimin and they weren't finding anything at all. One of the detectives helping entered an alley because what is there to loose? Indeed, he saw two boys kissing, the problem was, one of them was a pink and the other one a blue.

He called backup immediately and when they silently arrived one of them pointed his gun at the couple and ordered them to stay in their place.

The blue guy was covering the pink guy trying to somehow protect him, but the cops quickly walked to them and handcuffed both.

They walked out of the alley and a cop tapped on Mr. Park's shoulder.
"I think we found your son" was all he said. Jimin's father turned around and saw his son walking handcuffed with silent tears in his eyes, he looked terrified. He had a cop behind him walking him to one of their cars. But then he saw a blue guy. Jimin had interacted with a blue guy.

"Dad!!" Jin screamed with his eyes drowned in tears "aren't you going to do something??" He asked desperately wanting his brother back.

Jimin's father was very powerful, if he wanted to, he could somehow arrange stuff and help Jimin stay.

But Mr. Park's expression was nothing. He had no expression, he was just letting the cops do what they had to.

"Do something!!!!" Jin screamed being broken.
"He broke the law, now he has to suffer the consequences" he said coldly and turned around leaving. Mrs. Park followed and Jin cried in Namjoon's arms.

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