II - The Real You

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Roses are red 

Violets are blue 

In the darkness is the real you 

That was three months ago.  She has lost track of time along with her ability to remember who she really is. It is painful whenever she has to look back at her old life. Thanks to the new torture methods practised by Harvey, she barely responds to her previous legal name and only addressed Harvey as daddy. 

Her name has been legally changed from Jaiyana Brown to Mary Ann Smith. MaryAnn loves and adores everything about her daddy. He protects her and without him she would be a bad girl. Bad girls need to be fixed by going into the hole. 

Joy hates the hole because it is an erasing everything that she used to identify with but not MaryAnn. She doesn't love the hole but she has to go there if she wants that annoying Jaiyana girl to leave her alone. 

Drops of blood splatter on the hard wood floors as MaryAnn makes the bed for daddy. The skin on her knees have peeled off again from her dragging them across the floor when she was cleaning. Daddy likes the floors to be cleaned with a toothbrush.  

The white sheets gently cover the bed like a veil hiding the face of the bride. All the atrocities done on the bed remains a mystery with every change of the sheets. Her blood and sweat disappears in the washer each time almost like they were only a figment of her imagination. 

It hasn't been long since she escapes the rails of the hole with an intent to never return there again. Daddy put her in the hole because his food not hot enough even though it was was served straight from the stove and only let her out when he became sick and tired of the smell and wanted his servant back. 

She shivers at the feeling of being in the hole again 'I deserved it' . She moves on to make dinner.  She sets the table after and rushes to shower and look nice for daddy. He loves its when she dress like the women in the 60s. Only colourful knee length dresses with stockings and gloves. Her once naturally curly hair has been permed with clips on each end. 

"Mary Ann come here!" he calls just as the last clip locks on her hair. She hurriedly descends the stairs to her master 

"Welcome back honey" he throws his jacket in her face. She carefully hangs it in the closet and comes back to him with a cold glass of water. She then goes on her bruised knees and with great care takes off his shoes. The smell of rotten fish has become normal to her whenever she is on her knees. She delicately kisses his feet and with a bowed head tells him that dinner is ready 

"Mary Ann take this list. I will let you go out tomorrow to shop for the house. I want you back here before five. A second after five and you will be punished" my head moves up and down like a bobble head 

"What was that?" I repeat the firm shake of my head "You are such a good girl Mary but you do bad things and force me to punish you when I don't want to. I love you Mary and I don't want to put you in the hole ever again but you have to be good girl for daddy" Harvey strokes her cheek tenderly. 

He lifts my head up to look into his eyes "I will be a good girl daddy" a part of her feels like this is wrong

'It is not wrong for me to be a good girl. Good girls stay in daddy's good books and don't go into the black hole'

 She kneels beside the hole and awaits Harvey's next command on what to do. Harvey takes his time getting ready for bed and scrolling through his phone. Keeping up with all the messages from the numerous women who think he is a god sent angel. 

He finally comes down after what feels like a decade to get some water to drink and sees her falling asleep on her knees. 

"MaryAnn go to the bedroom, take off your clothes and wait for me" 

She hurriedly ascended the stairs into the same bedroom that she cleaned. She knows what is coming and turns off her brain busying herself with doing as he told her. Harvey walks into the room and wastes no time laying me on the bed and stripping himself. He becomes her to lay on  the bed and she does 

Pain sears from her private part when he pushes himself in due to the lack of lubrication.  The pain makes her want to coil way from him but he holds down her shoulders. He throws his head back and groans loudly as she whimper in pain and fake moans for his pleasure. He releases into her after a few pumps and pushes her to the floor. 

"Sleep there Mary and don't you dare put on any clothes"this is worse than being in the hole. At least in the hole she can tend to her wounds and try to force the rest of his cum out of her vagina. Now she has to feel those little demons marking their territory in her body 

The cold floor sticks to her skin like glue till she begins to shake from the cold. She inhales all her fears and whispers his name to get his attention. When that doesn't work she gently kneels by his bedside again and gently pushes his arm 

"What Mary!!" he barks 

"I-i'm sorry it is so cold on the floor" 

"This is not what good girls do"

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