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Roses are red

Violets are blue

When I'm in the grave,

Remember to tell the truth; You put me there

Mary Ann is back in the market shopping for Harvey who is out with his friend and has promised then a night of feast that they can't forget. She has to get everything set by sunset which leaves her with four hours.

She walks through the grocery store analyzing exactly what she needs for the night and after spending thirty minutes in the vegetable section picking everything carefully and perfectly. Daddy takes the recipe and checks everything when he comes back and if the weight is off by a pound he will punish her.

She moves on into the dairy section. From the corner fo her eyes she notices a familiar figure checking egg crates. She watches as he checks each side for any broken eggs before gently placing the crate in his cart. His golden shoulder length hair is carelessly wrapped up in a bun and he drags his sandals across the floor in his get baggy track pant.

Mary Ann shakes her head disappointedly "How can you look soo good with such a terrible personality. Bad man..." her body is thrown forward onto her pwn cart.

A woman drenched in the richest fur coat gives her a cold look whilst pulling her cart back only to slam it into MaryAnn again. Aaahhhh! with the pain pulsing through her, silence falls on deaf ears. Her cry gets the attention of a few shoppers who spare her a glance and go back to doing what they previously were

"Move out of my way leech. Animals such" she yells. MaryAnn being slow to move out of the way gives the lady enough time to pull the cart back again

"I dare you to do that again.." Gavin whispers to the lady whilst pointing his gun to her lower back "I have your spine right here. Now give me a reason to blow it to pieces or you back the fuck up bitch silently for me to kill you later. Tough choice? I'll make it easy for you" Ivan walks to stand beside MaryAnn "Be a good bitch and go find your pussy elsewhere" the lady disappears into another aile

He does a quick check up on her and sees the blood trailing down her leg. The groceries are forgotten when the puddle at her feet gets bigger. Ivan jumps into action to rushes her to the nearest hospital but not before sending some of his men to do a full background check on the lady from the story.

"It hurts.." she moans from his back seat where she is curled up into a ball. The pain is so intense that she begins to flicker through her personalities.

"Talk to me Joyanna. Where does it hurt baby?" he absent mindedly listens for her reply but remains focused on the road.

"Everything hurts.." she moans "I need to call daddy.." Ivan rolls his eyes at the pet name again

Ivan stands back as she is spread on the stretcher and wheeled into a room to receive treatment. With only one her left till sunset a nurse makes her way to the waiting room.

"Joyanna Giovinvco!"the nurse say the name the second time before she receives a response from a drowsy Ivan "What is your relation to the patient?" she rattles off

"Husband?..I'm her husband " he confidently answers after whispering. She directs him to wait in the doctors office

"Hi Mr Ivan Giovinvco, I'm doctor Oddo. I was the physician assigned to your wife's case and it saddens me to say but I only have bad news to give. Your wife had a miscarriage " Ivan stoops breathing in shock

"How far along was she?"

"Three months in, she was almost through with the first trimester. We are sorry for your loss. Mrs Giovinco has been put on medication to numb the pain, she won't wake up till tomorrow and from there we can set an appointment for the fetus to be removed. The nurse outside will take you to your wife" he shakes Ivans hand again before he is taken to her bedside.

He made it a point to book the elite room for her and get her the best in everything. Ivan stands by her bedside and gently grabs her hand

"I don't know how you're going to react when you wake up but I want you to know that I am not going anywhere. I think you've spent enough time being Harveys play thing. It's time you come home Joyanna" he places a gentle kiss on her head.

Ivan spends the last hour buying books to read to her, sweets for her, and enough roses to fill an ensuite closet. Along with bears of all sizes and cards.

He spends the night by her bed silently praying that she doesn't react negatively when she finds out but who wouldn't when they loose a child.

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