III - I Loved You

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Roses are red

Violets are blue

Often times I think I loved you

The market is buzzing with excitement as people get ready for the upcoming festival. Flags of all colour float through the air and children are seen running from every corner picking what they want to gift their special someone on country's annual celebration of independence. Bodies cloud her sight and slam into her delivering more blows to her wounded body. She grits her teeth the longer she stays lost in the market looking for the things on the list

Like a veil being lifted up, she finds herself enviously staring at the beautiful ladies wearing skinny jeans, leggings, crop tops, leather jackets and jean jackets. That used to be Joy. MaryAnn wears only knee length dresses in every season. She flips her hair at their childish styles and with her nose tooted up in the air, she walks to the apple stand.

"Sir do you have any of the cortland apples" the man in his late 30s at the stand looks at her like she just told him the sky is purple. She signs dramatically to herself knowing that the time to return home is beaconing to her.

'Daddy does not like those ones. He likes the ones with mixed colour and taste sweet. He said that it reminds him of me because I am just as sweet'

She bumps into the table making a few dozen apples fall. The pain that passes through her hipbone falls on deaf mind as she begins to hyperventilate. Thinking of how she is not getting the right apples for daddy and how the floor is messy and how people keep bumping into her. MaryAnn falls on her knees and begins to pick up the apples only to have a clean, big, muscular hand adorned with veins intercept the process.

Her hyperventilation becomes a panic attack when she feels his touch. The man notices what is happening and rushes to her aid except that makes everything worse. She doubles over but he gently pushes her to lay on her back. She is now covered in dirt but that is the least of his concern the more she struggles to breath and the more she drifts in and out of consciousness.

All she kept saying was "bad girls go into the hole. Bad girls go into the hole"

"Hey calm down"she smacks the man's hand relentlessly till he lets go

She suddenly gets up and walks towards the bus stop like an out of body experience. Her only mission being to return back home to daddy and apologize for being such a bad girl

I will apologize to daddy. He will forgive me if I tell him what happened. If I beg for forgiveness. Daddy is understanding and kind to me.

They finally stop getting in her way or it may have been because she suddenly jumped into a taxi. She knows she will be in trouble. So she dedicates her time to cleaning the floors again and making sure that everything is in its best shape. Cooking his favourite meal and setting the table to look perfect.

"MaryAnn!" she freezer with the last clip in hand when his voice thunderously travel through the room

The panic begins to settle in again but she courageously turns a blind eye to eat and repeats the routine of hanging his jacket, taking off his socks and kissing his smelly feet. She stands on the side as he eats and when he is done she sets the television on his favourite channel. Sports-net.

"How was shopping?" he calls to her as she turns to leave

"I bought everything except for the apple. The people were walking around and they pushed me to the floor and this man tried to help me but i took the taxi and left immediately. I am so sorry daddy. It was the bad girl but I stopped her. I am so sorry daddy. I will be a good girl please don't put me in the hole" she gets on her knees with tears still trailing down her cheeks

He remains silent but the vein ticking like a bomb on the side of his chin tells her that he is anything but happy with what she just revealed. "Did you say anything to him?"

His focus remains on the screen as she switches from one foot to the other like a wobbling toddler.

"N_no"she stumbles through her words as fear grip the very essence of her existence

Harvey gets up and calmly places the palm of his hand on her cheek and when she least expects it backhands her into the wall. The pain has her screaming and her nose bleeding but she deserved this.

Daddy won't have to hit me if I was a good girl

"You will sleep on the floor without any clothes on and because you were such a good girl daddy will let you cum"

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