CHapter 2

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Ahana tried in vain to set her hair. For the fiftieth time that day, she considered canceling her date. It was a ridiculous idea, born out of the heart’s foolish desires, not the mind’s rational judgment. Jason had seen her reading Adam Conor ’s article and mentioned they were best friends.

It was one of the few conversations they’d shared that didn’t involve her work or Meisha , so Ahana found herself talking about the ambitious journalist all the time. It wasn’t difficult since she read everything he wrote.
She had become a true fan after Adam’s powerful editorial on the female reporter humiliated by five athletes while giving a locker-room interview. The men decided a woman had no business in their world, so they staged a protest of sorts where they strutted around her naked.

The league suspended the players, resulting in a huge chauvinistic outcry that women didn’t belong in sports journalism, but Adam Conor had a different take. He asked his readers to imagine the sportscaster was their sister, who was being publicly reproached for doing her job. The article was strong enough to sway public opinion and made it clear that Adam was a talented, passionate journalist.

Jason spoke of him with both affection and criticism, telling her funny stories from their childhood. He’d suggested the setup, misunderstanding that her interest was in the subject matter, not the conversation. Ahana was hesitant at first, but the more she thought of it, the more certain she was that asking Adam Conor for his help was the right thing to do.

She had read about Asking best friend for the help in order to have the man of dreams, But later the helper and lead falls in love. But that was book, this is real life, she will not fall for Adam Conor If he agrees to her plan. After all, She knew when to draw a Line.

As a Research Scholar , Ahana knew that what she lacked in people skills, she made up for in research and preparedness. This was no different. This wasn’t a date. It was a negotiation. It was imperative Ahana keep the upper hand with the tactical advantage of surprise. She’d practiced her presentation repeatedly, preparing for their meeting, although, when she had looked up Adan’s profile on Instagram , she lost all her nerve again.

She knew he was attractive from the small, grainy black-and-white photo on the newsprint, but that picture was an inadequate depiction compared to the full-size color photo of him. He was handsome, strikingly so, with jet-black hair that forked above his eyes as if drawing the observer to his deep emerald-green orbs. He had a mysterious if not mischievous smile, encompassing the traits of a dangerous man and an impish little boy at the same time.

Even in his tailored suit, he appeared to be muscular, with a wide chest and robust arms. He could have been a model. He had the kind of face that commanded compensation simply for existing. It didn’t matter though, because she knew enough of Adam to know that his journalistic integrity didn’t stretch into his personal life. Jason described him as a man-whore without hesitation, which in Ahana’s estimation meant Adam wouldn’t have minded the moniker.

No, Adam Conor was definitely not the hero in Lanie’s story.

“Are you getting ready for your date?” Meisha asked, walking into Ahana’s room without knocking, as was her habit. Ahana felt a twinge of guilt with her roommate ’s presence, but she did her best to suppress it as she’d been doing all week. She silently cursed her hair again as strands escaped from the clip she’d chosen.

She glanced at Meisha’s perfect ash-blonde locks, smooth and straight as pressed silk, and wondered  that genes must have played a role in her beauty . It didn’t just stop at the hair. Meisha had deep blue eyes the color of lapis lazuli, a perfectly flat belly that wouldn’t yield an ounce fat even when pinched, and cheekbones that were so high they appeared suspended in perfect precision.

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