Chapter 16

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In which Our hero asks our heroine for a Date

Adam knocked on the door softly.
Meisha answered. Just great. She came home. Of course, what other way could this night go?

“Hi there,” she greeted in a husky voice, motioning him inside.

“I’m here to see Ahana.” Adam marched past her. She managed to run in front on him, blocking his entrance to the small hallway that led to Ahana’s bedroom.

“Ahana’s probably sleeping by now,” Meisha said, licking her lower lip. Adam wondered how much more his aching head could handle tonight. Was Meisha actually coming onto him?

“I hear her television,” Adam replied, wondering if it would be wise to shove Meisha out of the way. He’d never hit a woman, but shoving? Shoving was allowed, wasn’t it?

“She falls asleep to it every night.”

“I guess I’ll tuck her in then.” Adam advanced, pushing past Meisha, but she shifted, blocking him again. “Adam, you’re really hot. Actually, ridiculously handsome would be a better description. Are you seriously interested in my friend?”

He stared at her incredulously. “Yes, I am. What’s your point?”

“I guess my point is Ahana’s sleeping and Jason’s out of town.”

“Again, what’s your point?”

“It just seems like great timing, that’s all. No one would have to know. I’m good at keeping a secret,” she said, running her finger down his shirt.

Adam grabbed her wrist, removed her hand from his body, and released it with force. “You completely disgust me. Now get the hell out of my way.”

She moved aside. “Don’t tell Jason.” The desperation dripped from her voice. “I’ll tell him you’re lying if you do.”

He turned to her, shaking his head. “What about Ahana? Shouldn’t someone tell Ahana?”
There was no guilt in her expression. She just shrugged her shoulders.

The same way Ahana did. It sickened Adam. He didn’t have time for this bullshit. He walked into Ahana’s bedroom and closed the door behind him. The lights were off, but the television was on. She was watching an infomercial.

He turned on the lights, and there she sat in the bed with a glass of clear liquid in her hand. Her beautiful golden eyes were bloodshot when she looked at Adam.

Adam slid hesitantly onto the bed next to her. “Hi,” he said sheepishly.

“Hi,” she replied and took a swig from her glass. She winced at the taste but swallowed it. He took it from her and sipped it.

“Jesus, you’re drinking vodka straight up?”

“Yep,” she replied, keeping her eyes on the television.

“Why are you drinking? You don’t drink.”

“Don’t tell me what I don’t do, you jerk.” Adam could tell she wanted her voice to be strong, but it was raspy and choked, like she’d been crying very hard. “Besides, we were out of ice cream.”

She reached for the bottle on the nightstand to refill the glass. Adam grabbed it from her. “You’re cut off.”

“Hey, that’s mine. You can’t cut me off in my own house.”

“This is yours?” He stared in disbelief at the tall, frosted bottle of Grey Goose.

“No, it’s Jason’s. He left it here, but possession is nine-tenths of the law.” She laughed cynically, trying to grab it back from him to refill her glass, but Adam kept his grip firm. He took a long swig straight from the bottle, hoping the liquid courage would calm his nerves.

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