chapter 15

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In Which our hero gets jealous of Johny castle???

*Mature Content Ahead *

On Thursday night, Adam showed up at Ahana’s house, sporting a tight black T-shirt and jeans.

“You’re kidding me, right?” she asked and clasped her hand to her mouth.

“It’s your first dance. I can at least make it as memorable as possible,” he said with a smirk.

Ahana made them pasta. Adam helped her but almost chopped his fingers off when she brushed up against him. He watched her lips all through dinner. They were beautiful lips, full and sensual. He brought an overnight bag this time.

There was no kidding himself anymore. She went to the bathroom claiming she needed to change into something more comfortable.He lay on her bed praying she wouldn’t come out in a garden tent again. He wondered if she’d wear that frilly, pink number. Then again, maybe she was saving that for Jason. Shit,  Maybe Jason kind of looked like Patrick Swayze, for God’s sake! Fuck Jason. Adam tried to push the thought out of his head.

She came out then, nervously biting her lower lip, wearing a long terry cloth robe. Adam rolled his eyes, wondering what kind of sadistic pleasure she got in torturing him by keeping all her lovely assets under wraps. He walked over to her and pulled her against his chest, willing all thoughts to clear his head. He wanted to think with his other head. The one he usually used in these situations.

He laid her on the bed and reached for the knot on her robe. She shook her head. “Can you turn off the lights please?”

He complied, silently wondering if she was asking him that so she could imagine Jason. Or maybe Johnny Castle? Who the fuck knew, but it was freaking Adam out. He took off his shirt and jeans and lay back on the bed next to her. He tried to focus solely on his erection and not the rampant thoughts in his head. She helped him greatly by straddling him. She bent down, kissing his neck, creating a trail as she moved lower. “What are you doing?” he asked.

“Guess what else I Googled?” she replied, running her lips down his chest.

“Oh God, I love the Internet,” Adam whispered.

“I know…so…informative,” Ahana replied, brushing her chin against his erection. Adam growled in anticipation.

She lowered his boxer briefs to reveal the hard, stiff column inside. There was enough moonlight streaming through the window that he watched her stare at it, like she was unsure of the next move.

Adam was about to make a comment when she slid her tongue up and down his shaft. She took his tip in her mouth, and he hissed, trying desperately not to flex his hips and force himself deeper.

He felt her take in more of him, then stop, then a little more, then stop. Then she licked around the tip, tracing it with her tongue. Adam wondered if she was torturing him again. She kept doing it, and he wanted to feel the heat of her entire mouth and those sexy lips purse around his width. He waited, silently cursing with each slow, tormenting movement of her tongue.

“Come here,” he finally said, reaching for her shoulders.

“I’m not done,” she said.

“You’re done.” He pulled her up and then rolled her over so he was on top of her. He wanted to feel her underneath him, but instead he just felt the soft terry cloth of her robe. Oh fuck, let her leave it on if that’s what she wants. He pressed kisses to the hollow of her neck until he heard her moaning.

It was time. He sat up and grabbed the foil packet he’d placed on her nightstand.

“Adam, you don’t have to do that,” she whispered, clasping his arm.
He stopped and looked at her. “Why is that?”

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