Chapter 14

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Where Our hero discovers about something that his heart wants

Thursday couldn’t come soon enough for Adam. He was busy writing his article, holding off his editor, and researching, but his thoughts kept drifting to Ahana. He had never gone this long without sex, and in a way, sleeping with her was a novel experience for him too. On Wednesday, he couldn’t take it anymore. He texted her to see if she had dinner plans. She said she was working late with Jason. Fuck Jason, Adam thought.

Then he thought, what if she was fucking Jason? His mind scurried to dark places, but he quickly waved it off. Jason had made mistakes, but he wasn’t a cheat. And Ahana wasn’t like that either. She was content in her little waiting game. Still Adam didn’t like the idea of Ahana with Jason all alone in that big office of hers, with the huge mahogany desk and armless rolling chairs.

It was a little too easy to have sex in an armless chair. Would Ahana try flirting with Jason? Adam laughed at the prospect. Ahana’s idea of flirting was most people’s idea of talking. She was innocent and so damn sexy at the same time.

After work, instead of going home or to a bar, he stopped and got some Chinese takeout to bring to her office. He had to ask her some follow-up questions anyway for his article. Just general law questions. They were so simple, in fact, that he could probably have gleaned the answers from the research library at work. Maybe even a simple Google search could have satisfied these questions.

Adam didn’t want to ask Google though. He wanted to ask them to Jason So he could meet ahana .

She was surprised to see him, as was Jason. “I brought you dinner,” Adam announced, setting down the paper bags.

“Mmm, smells good,” Ahana said appreciatively, opening a container.

“It’s delicious,” Adam replied, smirking at the blush that crept up Ahana’s cheeks.

“Thanks, Adam,” Jason said, taking out another container.
Adam grabbed it from him, replying impulsively, “I didn’t bring it for you.”

Jason actually looked hurt. “We have to work, you know.”

“Give the poor girl a break. She’s been working all week. Let her have an hour for dinner.”

Jason glanced at Ahana and back to Adam. Ahana shrugged, smiling at him, but it wasn’t a flirty smile, just a normal Ahana smile. “I am hungry. I could use a break. Would you mind, Jason ?”

“Tell you what, Jason. You can have the orange chicken if you go somewhere else to eat it. Deal?” Jason said, shoving the container in Adam’s hands.

“Fine, I have to call Meisha anyway,” Jason answered, looking at Ahana for some sort of confirmation. Adam wondered why he did that. Surely he couldn’t think Adam would hurt her.

Ahana shuffled papers while Adam set out the food. “Thanks for bringing me dinner. It’s really sweet.”

“I’m a sweet kind of guy. Besides, I had to ask you some research questions,” he said, handing her chopsticks.

The whole floor was dark and vacant except for her office. She walked over and closed her door. Adam heard the distinct click of a lock, and he was glad Ahana couldn’t see the cocky grin on his face. He tried, without success, to peel his eyes from her shapely legs beautifully displayed in the knee-length gray pencil skirt she wore. She had on only one layer, and that layer was doing powerfully magical things to his lower half.

“Have a seat,” she offered, motioning to the rolling chair. Adam sat down and almost fell off the chair when she sat on his lap, putting her arms around his neck.
“I take it you didn’t look up blue balls,” he said a little breathlessly. Her intoxicating scent actually made Adam’s mouth water. Maybe it was oranges and roses. Whatever it was, it was driving him crazy. Her soft hair brushed his cheek, and her breasts pressed against his jacket. “I looked it up,” she said nonchalantly.

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