Chapter 4

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Ahana had been nervously contemplating the results of her crazy meeting with Adam Conor all day. She knew she’d made him uncomfortable, which was no small feat in light of his reputation as a composed journalist and suave heartbreaker. She was pleased she’d pulled it off without breaking a sweat. Ahana would have Helped Adam anyway ,the article no matter what, but in any negotiation, she had to use whatever leverage she could.

Her plan appeared to be working when Adam texted and asked her to meet for lunch. She returned his text, stating that she usually ate lunch at her desk, which was true. He replied back that if she wanted his help, she’d better meet him at Joe’s Café in an hour.

Ahana was anxious at the prospect of a second meeting with Adam. She was having second thoughts. She didn’t ever play games, and she wasn’t now.

She just felt a connection with Jason that she’d never felt with anyone. She owed it to herself to explore the possibility of her first and only crush. She finally agreed to meet with Adam. After all, she’d already started this crazy roller-coaster ride. She couldn’t just abruptly end it.

Joe’s Café was close to her campus, and Adam was waiting at a secluded table in the back. Ahana took a seat across from him this time, nervously adjusting her hair. The first time they’d met, she’d been prepared to present her project.

This was cross-examination time, and she had no idea what was in store.

Adam looked cool as a cucumber in his charcoal suit and purple tie that contrasted with his green eyes nicely. It was a damn shame he was such an egotistical man-slut. Were arrogance and good looks cause and effect traits in all people?

It was true with her roommate too. Meisha was conceited and selfish, but men vied for her attention. At least Jason had a sweet disposition. In Ahana’s estimation, Jason McLean seemed to be one of the only exceptions to the rule.

“Hi, stalker, nice to see you again,” Adam said, eyeing the menu instead of looking at Ahana.

“Please don’t call me that,” Ahana said sincerely.

“Isn’t that what you are?”

“No, it’s not, and would you like it if I called you a slut?”

“Hmm…I wouldn’t mind. It fits me,” Adam replied, putting down his menu to give her an amused look.

After she ordered a Coffee , he asked, “How come you order Caffeine so much ?”

Ahana shrugged, even though she had answered this question many times. “I like the taste of them, and I don’t see the point of alcohol.”
Thankfully, Adam didn’t seem interested enough to prod further.

“So, I’ve been thinking about your proposition.”

“I take it you’re interested.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Why are we here then?” Ahana asked, putting on her Professor voice.

“Touché,” Adam said with an amused grin. He had the sexiest smile she’d ever seen. It held all the seduction of a powerful man, but there was also a charming, boyish mischief to it.

“I know it’s hard for you to understand this, but I really have no intention of harming Jason or my Friend . If Jason returns my affections, it has to be a natural process.”

“There’s nothing natural about this, Ahana . You can’t plan love; it just happens.”

“How would you know?” she asked pointedly.

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