Morning After

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My eyes fluttered open. The burning in my stomach now gone. My bare body nuzzled into Bakugous strong masculine chest.

My hand instinctively reached up to pet his surprising soft spikey head of hair. My fingers caressed up his horns and then went down to his strange red scaley ear flaps.

One of his crimson eyes opened peaking at me and a soft smile spread across his face, "can't keep your hands of me can you?" he let out a deep rugged laugh. "I don't blame you. I can't keep my hands of you either."

He pulled me into a warm embrace both his strong arms and his wings cradling me lovingly.

"You don't think badly of me do you?" I whispered sadly to the tall Dovakin who held me.

"Why would I think badly for you?" he raised a brow genuinely confused by the statement.

"I gave you my body so easily... You must think I'm harlot right," Tears welled in my eyes not wanting the man I lost my virginity to, to think so lowly of me.

"Its part of being an Alice... Your body craves sexual energy right now you can't help that. I don't think you're a slut for that," he grinned, " honestly I think I'm falling for you and I wouldn't just fall for some tramp so I don't worry about it Alice."

My ears perked up and my tail wagged. Falling for me?



The door knocked but the person didn't wait for an answer before entireing the room.

Tenya hopped into the room, his face flushed with blush and he panicked covering his face when he saw me and the naked man in my bed. "I'm... So sor..ry... Your breakfast...t is ready."

"Damn it why the hell are you waking us up!" Bakugou growled aggressively and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back into him.

"We'll be down soon Tenya." Tenya left his face still a crimson colour.

A chised jaw burrowed into my neck and whispered sensually into my ear, "you're not going anywhere." His wings wrapped tightly around my body and he lay some gentle kisses along my collarbone.


My hero in wonderland (wonderland mha x Neko reader) 18+🍋Where stories live. Discover now