Chapter 1

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Eddie's stomach growled, he had been famished all day. However, he was in the middle of his study. "May I have something to eat, please? I haven't had anything all of today." He requested.

The two were in the basement, Eddie's study room. This room was very empty, with the few things in the room being the desk that was pressed up against the wall, as well as a few bookcases and a grand clock standing tall throughout the room.

Upright next to himself, his father, Jonathan stood. His arms crossed, glancing at the watch on his wrist every few minutes. "You can wait a little longer, can't you? You won't die." He responded, in a stern manner.

"Dad, I'm-"

Jonathan banged his fist onto the desk, interrupting Eddie. He flinched at this sudden movement, "That's quite enough, Eddison. We've talked about this. I need perfect scores from you this year." Jonathan stated. "No slacking." He finished.

"Yes, sir." Eddie glanced down at the book in front of him, the words were turning into scribbles, it was late. He gulped as he picked up the pencil to continue his work. Fortunately, he'd be finished soon, as Jonathan had made it clear when checking up on the time so often.

"If I see you being inactive, I'll have to do something about it." He advised. "Keep on top of it." Jonathan pointed at the page.


After about half an hour, Jonathan saw his watch to be 12am. "That's enough now. Have your sister fix you up some dinner, or make yourself something to eat." He put down his hand, "Or keep studying, I don't care." he looked down on the boy.

"Thank you..." Eddie responded as he rubbed his sore back.

"Oh, and take this." Jonathan pulled out a pouch of flower seeds, purple orchids. These kind of flowers were Eddie's favourite, his groggy eyes lit up.

"For me?"

"It was not intended for anyone else." Jonathan dropped the bag onto the desk Eddie was occupying, and turned to walk towards the staircase. Eddie took the bag, poured out a few of the seeds into his palm, and examined them with a wide smile. His heart resonated with gardening on his spare time, it was his favourite hobby.

Eddie slid the seeds back into the small pouch. "Thank you!" He turned back towards the staircase, noticing Jonathan had gone.

Eddie piled the books on one another, and stacked them carefully on the shelves. After Eddie had cleaned his area, he hid the pouch in his pocket. He passed by a mirror, he took a minute to look at himself.

He stared into his eyes, which were light and blue, but also somber. He took a look at his dark growing hair, almost shoulder length. He knew he wanted to get it cut, but couldn't find the best time to. His chapped full lips, he could really use for a drink, even at this time of night. Finally, his strong build, which lacked in quality food. His body was covered in black spots, his moles, and his bruises.

Eddie ran his fingers through his hair, and turned away from the gloomy reflection. He cautiously walked up the stairs as to not wake the house.


It was the last day of the week, Eddie was almost finished trudging through his controversial environment in school. As the bell rang for the end of the day, Eddie took the books from his locker and fitted them into his bag that was as heavy as weights, though just full of his assignments.

He pushed his way through the students crowding to exit the building, and made it to the front yard of the school. He found himself a bench, and sat on it quietly, sitting up his bag next to him. Staring above at the blowing trees and falling leaves, he began daydreaming.

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