Chapter 7

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"Is it serious? Will you show me?." He requested.

Eddie thought. He already let his class know of this. What's he got to lose now? Eddie was still very naive. He didn't understand why his mom hurt him, was it because he was being annoying that one time, or because she simply despised him? Eddie thought maybe Mr. Harris could help him understand what was wrong.

Reluctantly, Eddie showed the scar everyone in his class had seen. It was large, streaks of what seemed to be "knife" wounds could be distinguished. It was not natural whatsoever. It was clear that it wasn't accidental, it all appeared to be going down Eddie's leg. They looked deep and painful.

The principle's muscles tensed. Mr. Harris tightened his grip on his hands and exhaled.

"Let's talk about how this happened." He said.

Eddie was agitated. It hurt him to speak of this, it was a horrible day that Eddie would wish to forget forever and now he'd have to talk about it again.
"I don't want to. I'm sorry." Eddie decided. Not enough scolding from the principal would get Eddie to explain that day in even the littlest of details. It was burnt into his brain, he knew it'd be difficult to forget but Eddie would at least want to try avoiding that topic.

"Okay. Remind me, your mother did this to you. You're sure?" Mr. Harris affirmed. He stood up and fixed his suit. He neatly adjusted his tie and waited for a response from Eddie.

"...Yes." Eddie replied.

- -

Eddie stayed in the office as instructed by the principle. He was told to wait, Eddie got bored. He sat there for what seemed to be ages, clueless of the situation.

Tick Tock

The door rattled open, 4 men that wore navy blue clothes, they wore around their waists a belt and what seemed to be gadgets of some sort. They looked frightening to Eddie, were these bad men? But they weren't causing trouble. They began chatting with the secretary until the principle once again entered the room and joined in on the conversation.

A female who wore the same outfits as the rest walked over to where Eddie sat.

"Hey there. We are police officers, we will help you." She smiled. Her smile seemed very trustworthy, Eddie felt shy. "I'm Linda Rae Trentin, what's your name?"

The police? Eddie remembers a topic his class had about them. They were good people, they helped fight crime and get justice. Eddie could tell them what was wrong.

"Oh.. Okay, I'm Eddie." He muttered. Eddie fiddled with his thumbs and leant back on the chair.

"What a nice name. So the scar you have. Could we see it?" She asked. His eyes looked hesitant, though he somewhat trusted Linda. Eddie again showed the scar on his leg lifting up his shorts slightly. Linda didn't look as surprised to see it as much as every other adult he had shown. Instead, she began scribbling in a small book she had kept in her pocket.

Linda sat down next to Eddie continuing to scribble.
What would happen now then? Would the police take Eddie's mother away? Eddie thought it wasn't her fault, but instead his. His mother got upset because he kept bothering her when she said stop multiple times.

"My- My mom's innocent Ms. Linda... I made her do it." Eddie blurted out. This caught Linda's attention and she raised her head from her book.

"What do you mean Eddie?" She questioned with a concerned face.

"She was busy and I started bothering her. I made her drop a glass cup- I've been really annoying lately and she hurt me by accident." Eddie's eyes widened as he stared down at his fingers, while speaking he had been peeling off skin from the tips of his fingers. He realized he had said too much and felt unwell and dizzy. He wished it had all been a dream.

"She hurt you because you were bothering her. Did you know if she had a mental illness?" Linda asked.

His vision became blurry and soon had noticed the tears running down his cheeks. He began sobbing.

"I dwon kno!" He gurgled. He cupped his face with both his hands and trembled. Linda placed her hand on Eddie's back to comfort him. Eddie caught 2 of the officer's attention but they soon went back to talking. Another officer stood on the sidelines observing everything and everyone.

Time flew and Linda stood up. "We've got to go Eddie, we need you to come with us." She said.

Eddie coughed, using his sleeves to wipe off tears and snot from his face. The woman reached out her hand to lead Eddie to the police car. Eddie took it and followed her.

- -

They drove up to the front of his house. Eddie peeked out the window of the car he was in, accompanied by Linda driving in the front and watched.

"Is it just your mom home?" Linda stopped the car.

"Yeah." Eddie answered.

No one would've been home at the time but his mother. Jonathan would be at work, Reina would be in school and Noah at piano classes.

An officer exited his car and walked to the front door of the house. He knocked and waited. Eddie's heart was thumping. What would play out in front of him?

Erika opened the door, the officer and her began chatting, but all sounded inaudible from the car. "What are they saying?" Eddie asked.

"That police man will try to bring your mom in for questioning." She answered. The office seemed to be pushing lightly on Erika's back to guide her back to his car. She began struggling and throwing her arms around, she looked panicked and started pushing him. The police man held her arms and she kicked him. It was hard to hear what was being said, but was easy to see what was happening. Erika was aggressively attacking the officer.

The officer then grabbed both Erika's arms and put them to her back, he hand cuffed them and forced her way to the police car. Eddie was shocked.

"What- Why's this happening? What's going on??" Eddie looked over at Linda worried for his mother.

"She began attacking him, she may face extra jail time for assaulting an officer." Linda started the car and began to drive.

Eddie again thought this was his fault, if he hadn't messed up so badly, his mom wouldn't be in this situation.

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