Chapter 10

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Atlas had told Eddie that the trip would be on December. Since October had just ended, Eddie was thinking he could work that whole month to save up enough money for the trip. Skiing sounded fun, but the thought of attending with Atlas made him feel as of though he was floating.

He was sure his father wouldn't have paid for this trip, Eddie already had asked in the past for previous field trips. Just because of this, he had to work for his own money.

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Eddie knew the right job that would give good pay every week. If he calculated right, he'd have enough money till the end of the month. Right down the block, was a flower shop and prior, Eddie requested to apply and fortunately got the job. With cheap, but alright makeup. Eddie smeared concealer on his face to make his wounds on his face seem almost invisible, he wore appropriate clothing and a smile.

Eddie was getting ready to head off to his new job, when being stopped by Reina near the door.

"Wow! You look hilarious, haha!" Reina chuckled and shoved Eddie.

"Where are you going? A date?" She exclaimed. "But who would go with your ugly ass? She will never actually love you. Probably using you for your grades."

"Actually, I'm going-" Eddie attempted to speak out, but was interrupted.

"As I was saying, you might as well give up. Think about it, no one will actually ever love you. Go back to your room, clown." Reina insisted.

"Yes..." Eddie answered and followed her orders. Not completely though, he had waited a while before trying again.

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According to Eddie's watch, he was half an hour late. Eddie was unhappy to be this late to his new job, he wasn't sure of what he'd have to confront when finally arriving at the shop.

From the stairwell Eddie stood by, he could view Reina lingering around the front door for a while, now she had finally left.

Sneakily, Eddie tip toed his way to the door and exited. When taking a walk down the street, he was pensive. Reflecting back on what his sister had said to him earlier.

"No one will actually ever love you."

If this was true, Eddie's yearning for love may never be fulfilled and he believed his sister was right. He had been all alone this whole time because no one loved him. Once, his family did, but that is now a memory, he has no one.

Before Eddie knew it, he had entered the flower shop. It's smelt nice, like nature.

"Don't come into my shop with a melancholy vibe! Get back out there, take a breath and bring in a smile and happy atmosphere." The manager scolded with his arms crossed. "You're already very late. Don't disappoint me further."

"Yes, very sorry sir." Eddie apologized and did just as told.

"The name's Mr. Reynolds to you. Lucky I don't have many employees with me today. Best be early next time." Mr. Reynolds grunted and began making his way behind the counter and into a room.

"If you're needing anything, I'll be behind this door! Now get to work." He reminded.

"On it si- Mr. Reynolds!" Eddie replied, Mr. Reynolds shut the door behind him as Eddie stood behind a counter.

Flowers were gathered at the front behind glass at the entrance for display, most flowers stood out on racks. The place was very vibrant and smelt lovely.

Ding Ding

The glass front door opened and two people entered. Two males that looked in their 20's entered the shop, Eddie thought that maybe they were friends, like Atlas and himself. He began contemplating getting flowers for Atlas as a "thank you" gift.

The men walked over to Eddie. One of the men was grasping onto the other man's arm.

"Shouldn't only woman do that to their partner's? Is this what friends do?" Eddie thought.

"How can I help you two?" Eddie asked.

"My boyfriend here would like to know if you sell any orchids?" The man started. "Violet orchids to be exact." He finished.

"Boyfriend? If they are together, isn't that wrong?" Eddie pondered. "Of course, let me show you, then you can pick your favourite." Eddie led the men to a batch of flowers in the corner. All different variations of orchids.

"They look wonderful!" One of the men released the man's arm and picked out flowers.

Eddie's questions continued to flood his thoughts, until he could not help but ask a question of their relationship.

"I'm sorry sir, but if you don't mind me asking. Are you two gay? Is that not wrong?" Eddie blurted.

The man looked at Eddie and looked deep in thought before giving his answer.

"It may be wrong to other people, but for us, it's only love."

"Ah, I see. Pardon my rudeness." Eddie apologized.

And with that, they bought their flowers and left the store.

Eddie's questions were answered in one sentence. Eddie was ready to continue his shift at the shop.

- -

"You did well today! Here's 20 bucks. Return tomorrow!" Mr. Reynolds waved goodbye as Eddie walked out of the store on his way home.

Walking home, he thought about the day.

Eddie knows what love is, he knows it by his family, but has never encountered it in a romantic way. Before his life turned, Reina and Eddie talked a lot and with talking to Reina, he learnt a lot about love. She had many love interests, Reina was beautiful and swept many people off their feet.

She told Eddie that love is a feeling you get in your gut, butterflies in your stomach, when your heart skips a beat, feeling nervous around them, wanting to cherish and always striving to be around that person.

Then, Eddie didn't know so much of what she meant. Though, once he thought back to what she had said, he thought of Atlas.

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