Chapter 8

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A while went of questioning. Guilt tripping did the job and Erika finally confessed on what she had done to Eddie.

Erika was being held in a cell and they all waited for Jonathan, he had said beforehand when they phoned he'd be arriving.

Eddie sat on a seat with a police officer accompanying him, but he didn't say much. Eddie was shy and also didn't think he should say anything in fear he'd come off annoying. Though, Eddie's curiosity got the best of him and he couldn't help but ask.

"What will happen now?" Eddie faced the officer.

"Your mother is under arrest. She won't be home for a while." The officer replied bluntly.

"What- What do you mean she won't be home? I said she didn't do anything wrong!" Eddie shouted.

"She said otherwise. Sorry for the news, this is our job."

"But- I thought police served justice!" Eddie's voice quaked, he began tearing up. "We do, and we are. This isn't your fault Kid. Now, excuse me." The officer took off to Eddie's right leaving Eddie torn. He wanted to see his mom again, it was his fault, right?

"I want dad, he'll know what to do." Eddie thought. He sat as his eyes wandered around the room, his nose running. The small office reminded him something of his own study room. His study room was big and had many book shelves and books in it. Beautiful plants that would lighten and brighten up the room and his favourite rouge mat. His desk was white and a bit bland, but his father got him all that, he was very grateful. His study room was right next to his room, his father didn't want him to walk a long distance and so placed it there. "I want to go home..." He took a tissue from a small table next to him and blew his nose.

- -

Time passed and Eddie began dozing off. He felt as of though this whole day had been of waiting and patience. He could tolerate it, but Eddie would admit, it was quite grey. Eddie looked weary the entire day.

Finally, Jonathan entered from the entry doors and dashed to the desk. "Dad?" Eddie called out, Jonathan turned his head, but soon turned it back to the desk woman he was speaking to. Eddie couldn't tell if Jonathan was disregarding him or not, this had never happened. Jonathan would always come to himself first if Eddie was in any trouble. Eddie then thought that maybe this situation was a lot more serious than he had been presuming and instantly regretted everything he had told everyone.

Eddie wondered if Jonathan would ask him how he was feeling and was hoping he would do just that. Eddie wanted to talk to someone, he felt extremely dejected and lonely, all this time he had kept his mouth shut of this case.

"We'll make a deal." Eddie had heard Jonathan pleading "I'll give you all a ton of money! Just free her I'll give anything!"

Jonathan was giving out offers to the police to release Erika. A man then entered, he looked a lot more superior than the rest of the men.

"What's going on here."

The adults argued and bickered. Eddie attempted to understand the situation, though many large words were spoken.

"Put her in a hospital! She'll go a lot more insane if she stays here. I'll pay for everything, I own a company." Jonathan finally suggested.

"That seems like an option." The superior man thought aloud "Alright then, that'll do. Though, I may have to speak with higher ups about your situation. Have a good day." He exited the room without another word.

Did Jonathan really know what to do? Eddie had thought. He looked very confused and shocked throughout the whole conversation they'd had.

- -

The car ride home was intense, Jonathan didn't do so much as glance at Eddie. When Eddie took a peek at the rear view mirror at his father, his brows were furrowed, nose scrunched up, he had been biting his lip and had a look of hatred in his eyes. Nothing Eddie had seen before, Eddie had only ever seen his father's eyes soft and kind, he couldn't accept the fact that Jonathan could appear so minacious. He turned his head away and soon stared out the window. What had he done?  Were his choices correct?

- -

Jonathan left the car and slammed the door behind him leaving Eddie in the back seat. Eddie soon opened his car door, closed it lightly and soon followed. Jonathan was stomping up the stairs when Eddie entered the house. A bang from the door to Jonathan and Erika's shared room. A few thumps and crashes could be perceived from where Eddie stood all very loud.

Eddie was exceedingly disoriented and didn't know what to do next. He failed to understand if what Jonathan was doing was out of rage, Eddie had never felt more hopeless in his entire life. Maybe he was too spoiled to interpret what was going on, but from now on, his family and life would begin to go downhill.

And so it did, after that day once the rest of his family found out of this, it was all blamed on Eddie.

Reina and Noah always had something to tell Eddie, insults and death threats. "You ruined this family!" Reina would tell him. "Rot in hell, lying bastard!" Noah instructed him. Jonathan never really spoke to Eddie, but would still beat him.

Everyone he lived with and loved with all his heart had turned their backs on him and treated him like an outcast, a failure, a punching bag on good and bad days, or an object.

Eddie's favourite mat was burnt to a crisp in front of him by his siblings and his study room was moved to the basement. At this point, everyone had hated Eddie. He'd hope they'd change their minds one day, but at the moment, he couldn't feel a single ounce of love.


Grades were first priority and most important in the Norris' Family. Therefore, a lower grade than 97% was not tolerated in that household. Jonathan would pay most attention to Eddie when he'd study for exams, but he still had a system and temper with him and any mistakes would lead to a lash out.

The family had low hopes for Eddie. He wouldn't become successful, he'll be homeless and die young they thought. Eddie would be leaving the house on his 18th birthday.


Back to the present

Eddie blinked his eyes open, the sun was beaming through his window and stung his eyes a bit. His wounds still felt very sore but a week had past and he felt like a slob. Eddie desired and was desperate to go out.

That day looked bright and sunny.

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