Chapter 18

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The sun shun through Eddie's bedroom window. After a few weeks of being treated in the hospital, he got better, but had to stay in bed.

He got up and stretched, he felt a lot better than he did other days. He felt relaxed and energetic.

Today would be the first day Atlas would visit Eddie's house. Eddie and Atlas had planned how they'd meet while Eddie was in bed rest.

Atlas would sneak in from the window, it'd be a piece of cake since he was on the first floor. Giving a reason why, was the problem. Atlas didn't know why he had to do this.

Eddie gave the excuse that his family was upset at him and didn't want to see him. Atlas believed Eddie, he thought Eddie was just grounded.

The only thing Eddie wished, was for no one to find out of these secret meetups in the house, that he hoped would continue that day on.

"No one visits me in my room anyway. It will be fine." Eddie reassured Atlas a week earlier. He lied though, he was afraid. He continuously attempted to convince himself it wouldn't happen, but so many coincidences have occurred that he found it very hard to believe himself.

Eddie struggled to stand up, he was doing this so he wouldn't look bad in front of Atlas. He changed his clothes and applied perfume so he wouldn't smell.

He waited and waited. Doubting Atlas would come, Eddie slowly fell into sleep.


Eddie fluttered his eyes open and quickly got up. "An intruder?!" He thought.

He looked to his left forgetting he had the window open for Atlas. He saw the colors of the sky outside, it looked to be later in the afternoon.

His vision suddenly got blurry and he felt light headed with his sudden movement. He couldn't back down now though. He didn't want to be hurt.

"Leave!-" Eddie shouted.

"E-Eddie! I- I'm so sorry-"

He sat down, he recognized this voice as Atlas'. Eddie's vision wouldn't allow him see him though.

Eddie sat on his bed flustered. His vision went back to normal as he relaxed and in front of him stood Atlas, confused.

"This is so embarrassing..." Eddie groaned.

"I- Eddie, if you want me to leave I'll go!" Atlas stuttered.

"No, I'm sorry. I thought you were an intruder." Eddie sighed.

"Do you think your family heard?" Atlas searched the room.

"Yes, they must have. You might need to hide."

Atlas walked over to Eddie's closet. "Here perhaps?- If it's full maybe it wouldn't exactly work...-"

The door rattled open. "What was that sound?! Dad may not be here now, but he will hear about this when he gets back." Noah yelled.

Noah saw the window open, looked around the room and to his left, saw Atlas standing.

"What the hell?! Who is this?!" Noah jumped.

"I- Could this be your little brother Eddie?" Atlas asked.

"Noah! Yes, this is my little brother." Eddie backed away.

"Hello Noah. I'm Eddie's friend." Atlas smiled.

"Oh? You decided to be friends with it?" Noah glared at Eddie.

"Ah yes! Your brother is very kind. You both look very similar." Atlas said.

"Please do not compare me to the likes of it." Noah held a smile, but was so obviously faking it.

"It?- I, alright..." Atlas was confused.

"Would you like a cup of tea? You should have entered from the front door! We would have greeted you properly." Noah exclaimed.

"Ah- I don't drink tea." Atlas held his hands and looked around. He felt uncomfortable looking into Noah's eyes.

"I see, then maybe a glass of water?" Noah walked out, gesturing Atlas to follow him.

Eddie got up, but fell right back down. He grunted.

"Eddie, you should rest. Your brother seems very nice." Atlas whispered, as he followed Noah.

"No, no... You don't understand..."

Eddie felt a sharp pain in his head, he did not want to let Atlas go though.

Atlas and Noah had already left the room and Eddie sat on his bed for a while until the pain became a bit bearable.

He stood up and slowly followed them. He stopped and sat behind a wall right next to the dining room to eavesdrop on their conversation. He held his head and stayed quiet.

"So it's your friend, yes?" Noah questioned.

"I- Eddie? Um, yes. He is my friend." Atlas took a seat at the table and fumbled with his thumbs.

"And why is that? Why have you decided to become it's friend?" He asked.

"He seemed so alone. He is so kind, you'd expect him to have more friends!" Atlas giggled, but not a laugh came from Noah as he poured a glass of water.

"Hm, alright." Noah uttered. "How old are you? The same as it?" He continued.

"One year older, I'm 16! How old might you be?" Atlas beamed.

"13. Do ya think we might be compatible? It's just a 3 year difference." Noah picked up the glass cup from the counter and placed it on the table.

Eddie flinched at what Noah had said, but was afraid of doing anything he might regret.

"Um, no sorry. I'm not very interested." Atlas replied.

"Not interested in boys? So sorry for assuming. You just look like it." Noah chuckled. He took a seat and sat next to Atlas.

"But if you ever are interested, I'll be right here."

Atlas' hands were on his lap, Noah saw this and made a trail from his shoulder to his hand with his fingers. Atlas moved away.

"I- I think I need to go! My mom might get worried." Atlas stood up in a hurry.

"Oh?" Noah pouted. "I lost my mother when I was very young..." He frowned and looked at the glass cup, reaching his hand out.

He began tapping on the glass with his nails.

"Ah! I'm so sorry for your loss. I really had no idea-" Atlas moved closer to Noah, ready to comfort him.

Noah began tapping harder and louder.

"No, she isn't dead. Someone just made a really, really big lie."

Clink Clink

"A lie? Who did that?" Atlas noticed the clinking noises.

Noah pushed down the glass of water that hadn't been touched with his hand.

The water fell to the ground, soaked into the thin carpet and the glass shattered. It made a very loud noise.

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