Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The demigods and gods stood there, stunned.

No one moved or said a word.

Until Hera and Hestia flashed in.

They ran up to the group and they all embraced each other tightly.

Then, darkness filled the spot where they were. When the darkness left, another two being appeared.

They were Nyx and Nemesis.

"Nyx, how are you here?" Zeus asked.

Nyx smiled warmly at the group, "It is because Phoenix had freed me. You have heard of the Phoenix, haven't you?"

"It's not just a myth or legend?" Athena asked.

"We're standing right in front of you and you're asking whether or not are we just a myth or legend?" The leader asked. Then she turned to the four, "Are you sure we can trust them?"

Hera and Hestia nodded in unison while the other two answered, "Yes, we're very sure."

The group shifted their gazes from the four to the gods and demigods who actually cowered under their calculating gaze.

"Shall we take this to Olympus?" Zeus asked.

Everyone agreed and they was transported to Olympus.

At the throne room.

"So, you're The Phoenix you say." Athena started. The leader nodded.

"Can you all introduce yourselves and explain your relationship with Lady Nyx, Nemesis, Hera and Hestia?" Poseidon requested.

Again the leader nodded. He or she then turned around and ordered, "Into introduction formation please."

Once the group was in place, the introduction started. Starting from the back. They took of their hoods as they talked.

"I'm Kayla Anderson, daughter of Demeter. Code name: Olive." The one whose robe has green linings said.

Next, the one with a pure black robe took of her hood, "I'm Paris Alexander, daughter of Nemesis. Code name: Night. Do not mistake me for Lady Nyx though. I am not worthy of it."

Then two boys who were in front of the two girls said, "I'm Marcus Jones. Code name: Flakes." "And I'm John Lake. Code name: Leon." "We're sons of Apollo." Marcus had bright red and bright orange linings while John had yellow linings on their robes.

"I'm Elliot Logan, son of Hermes. Code name: Stealth." The one who stood next to the sons of Apollo and the two girls and had purple linings said.

Next up, another three more boys threw their hoods back.

"I'm Daniel Chance, son of Athena. Code name: Ark. My color is grey but do not mix me up with Destiny. Hers is silver." He said while gesturing at the leader.

"I'm Cole Arthur, code name: Tiger and this is Lucas Woods, code name: Lucian. We're sons of Hephaestus." The one who was in a robe with orange and yellow linings said for himself and his half-brother who had red and yellow linings on his robe.

Now until the two on the right and left side of the leader. One was a girl and had light electric blue linings who introduced herself as Leanna Ford, code name: Skylar. She was a daughter of Hecate. She was on the right side. On the left side of the leader was a boy who was also a child of Hecate. His name was Marco Matthews, code name: Stardust. His colors were purple and blue.

Finally, the leader took of her hood, "I'm Ashley James, daughter of Poseidon and daughter of the daughter of Hecate, Miko James. My code name is Destiny. My colors are silver, midnight purple and dark blue. Please call us as our code names. No one outside our group can call us as our names. As for our patrons, we had freed Lady Nyx when she saved us. Nemesis had given us the way to escape from Tartarus. Hera and Hestia had given us shelter and rescued us from danger and also trained us."

"Why were you in Tartarus?" Artemis questioned.

Destiny looked at her patrons who nodded. She heaved out a heavy sigh and took out crystal ball from her pouch that was hanging on her hips. She chanted something to the ball and it shot a beam of light at a wall. It then projected the Asian countries being destroyed by the Titans and their troops. Buildings were burned, families were broken apart, the demigods well, because they were demigods, they were dragged down to Tartarus for entertainment.

The Phoenix cringed when torture scenes were projected.

The gods and demigods were stunned. The torture scenes made the Fields of Punishment look like Elysium. They wondered how The Phoenix was still sane after all the torturing. All kinds of method were used. Suddenly, male mortals were brought in the cell which holds the female demigods. Destiny visibly tensed. All The Phoenix warriors embraced their leader into hugs for comfort immediately. Nyx raised her hands and the projecting stopped. "I will continue from here," she said. "Those men were brought in to torture the females. Somehow, only Destiny got sexually abuse. The rest freed me to rescue Destiny. By then, Destiny was already broken to the core. She was mentally and emotionally and even physically broke. I couldn't help them escape so Nemesis did."

"When we were out of Tartarus, Hera and Hestia found us." Skylar informed. Then Hera cut in, "Hestia and I found them and decided to take them under our wing. We trained them and provided shelter for them. When they were fifteen, all four of us gave them our blessings and they decided to name themselves Phoenix. As I was not a goddess of virginity so I couldn't restore Destiny, all I could do was to heal her physical wounds. After they were blessed, we released them to hunt after monsters. We also sent them to rescue demigods and bring them to camp or the hunters."

When the explanation ended, Artemis walked over to Destiny, "Can I restore you?"

Destiny looked up immediately, "You would do that?" Artemis nodded. Destiny then nodded, with tears glistering in her eyes.

Artemis smiled and started to chant in Ancient Greek. Everyone watched Destiny glowed silver. Once Artemis was done with her, Destiny collapsed in tears. She ran up to her patrons. She said something and they nodded.

"Lady Artemis, do you accept the role as one of our patrons? We understand that you also have the hunt to take care but you don't have to be at our side all the time." Destiny asked with respect.

Artemis looked taken aback.

"You want me to be your patron?" The Phoenix nodded with warm smiles on their faces. Obviously, those smiles were only for Artemis.

"Only those who had helped us out of kindness and not out of greed can be our patrons. We are honored for you to be our patron. Do you accept?" Paris said.

Artemis nodded in tears.

The Phoenix all kneeled around Artemis and started to chant in Ancient Greek. She glowed in various colors. After that, she blessed The Phoenix.

"Lady Artemis, goddess of the moon, hunt, child birth and virginity, now a patron of The Phoenix."


Hey guys, so, decided to update this the same exact day I posted this book~~~

You know, if there is any mistake, please tell me. Thanks :D

Enjoy~ :D

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