five • tragedies

190 8 0

Raven's POV; 2003

I was sitting at home, alone, watching t.v. Mom and dad were actually getting along tonight, so they went out for dinner. Chris was going to come over, but Leigh Ann wanted him home for the night.

Hours passed. Mom said they'd only be gone for three hours at most, and it's been nearly five. I didn't know if I should call someone or just wait.

They beat me to it.

The hospital called me at ten p.m. "Ms. Bell, your parents were in a car crash. They're here in the hospital. We recommend you come right away."

No matter how many mean things my parents have done to me over the years, I still loved them to death. I quickly dialed Chris's number.


I immideitly broke down when I heard his voice. "Can you pick me up and take me to the hospital?" I cried.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He yelled into the phone frantically.

"Mom and dad w-were in a car accident," I stuttered through my tears. "H-hurry, Chris!"

I hung up the phone and gathered all of my things; overnight clothes and such. Chris was sixteen, and he was old enough to drive. I was only fifteen, so he was my only hope of getting to my parents.

Chris got here in record time and I ran outside. Before we drove off again, Chris's honey eyes met mine and he said, "it'll be okay."

•    •    •    •    •    •

I am currently sitting in the hospital, cuddled up next to Chris in the uncomfortable chairs. We were in my mom's room, and I was watching her as Chris slept.

The next thing I knew, doctors were rushing in and starting chest compression on my mom.

You never forget the sound.

The soft, beep, beep, beep, beeeeeep.

The red line goes flat.

My momma flatlined.


Chris jumps awake and holds me back as I trie to jump across the room to momma. I want him to let go, he needs to let go! Momma needs me!

The doctors stop. The beeping stops. They've unplugged the heart moniter and stopped CPR. My mom is really gone. She's dead.


"Ms. Bell, we did everything we could. We're sorry." They say the awful words that they always repeat when someone dies.

I shake my head, sobbing. Chris was still holding me, but he let me go and give momma a quick kiss on the forehead. "Let's go see Dad," I tell Chris though my tears.

We walk into dad's room as they wheel momma away. I don't want to see them take her to the morgue. I walk straight into dad's room, Chris trailing behind me.

The sound again.

Ten minutes later.

Beep, beep, beeeeeep.

I lost my mom and dad in one night. I sobbed and cried as Chris held me. I couldn't do anything to change their fate, I knew. They had to join each other in the Afterlife. So, I just let Chris hold me in the hospital.

"Where will you go?" Chris whispered.

"My aunt wants to take me. She lives in Scranton, so it won't be much of a move."

"Aunt Warren? Don't you hate her?"

"More like she hates me."

"Move in with me, something!" He begged. Tears were forming in his eyes.

"I'll still be in Scranton. We'll see each other in school, whenever I make it back," I reassured him.

He wrapped his arms around me. "Promise you won't leave?"

"I promise."

Sad days. This chapter was emotional. I hate death with a passion, but I could hiesntly care less if I die, ya know? Is that weird?
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
613 words

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