thirteen • dead!

168 4 2

Raven's POV

I ran to my door to open it, even though the back of my dress was still unzipped and I had a toothbrush hanging out of my mouth. Chris grinned at me from the other side of my door, and I motioned for him to come in.

Rushing to my sink to spit out my toothpaste, I heard Osiris hiss at Chris. I heard Chris hiss back and I shook my head. I'm honestly not surprised.

I reached around to the zipper of my black Morticia Addams dress, struggling a bit. Chris laughed and walked behind me, grabbing it and zipping my dress. I smiled and said, "thanks."

"Sure thing. Ready to go?"

I nodded. "Yup."

•    •    •    •    •

"Thank you, Chris. I had a lot of fun," I told him.

"I did, too." He wrapped his long, tattooed arms around me.

"I'll see you soon!" I called as I began walking up towards my house.

"Bye, Raven!"

I slipped out of my dress immideitly after I was in my house. I settled on my couch in my bra and panties, but not for long. My phone rang, so I paused Netflix and answered to the unknown caller.


"Hi, is this Raven Bell?" The person asked.

"Yes, why?"

"My name's Sabrina. I'm Chris's girlfriend."

My whole world felt as if it had come crashing down. My heart tightened around itself and I dug my nails into my legs.

"Okay?" I retorted. "Why are you calling me?"

"I understand that you and Chris have been friends for a long time, but I have my sources of people. I know he took you out tonight. Please, stop messing around with him. He's mine."

I knew she was trying to be polite, but I could hear the overprotective tone in her voice. I bit my bottom lip and exhaled a shaky breath.

"I'm sorry if it came off as I was trying to take Chris from you. I would never ... I didn't even know Chris had a girlfriend. We just were going out as friends, anyways. He's like my big brother," I explained.

"Oh, well make sure it stays that way. Bye now."

She hung up and I dropped my phone on the couch. Tears started falling down my face. Chris had a girlfriend? Yes, he was allowed to have a girlfriend, but why didn't he tell me? Why did he hold my hand and act all affectionate? 

I turned off my t.v. and walked upstairs, crawling into bed. Chris was slowly tearing me apart; he had been, ever since we were seventeen.

I thought about everything that happened since Chris and I had been reunited. The night he held me in his room, when we cried in each other's arms. How he held my hand so proudly the next morning. At dinner tonight, the way he told the waitress to "put her tits away because he'd rather be looking at my beautiful face."

It was all a lie.

Chris has Sabrina.

I have no one.

I've always had no one.

It will always be like that.

Sad days man. This is kinda how I feel about life rn.
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
530 words

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