seven • you've got my back against the wall

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CHRIS; 2006

It's been three years. I've had feelings for her since I was sixteen, but I think I'm in love with her. It's hard knowing that she'll never love me back. I'll always be 'Chris the older brother' to her.

It hurts.

She was stuck with her aunt - still. Her eighteenth birthday was in three days, and then she was moving in with me, my mom, and my siblings. Just for a bit. My band, Motionless in White, was doing pretty good. I'd be able to buy us an apartment soon.

Raven knocked on my window and I opened it, quickly pulling her inside. She gave me a hug and then ran over to my dresser, and took one of my shirts and tossed it over her tank top.

She looked so damn hot in my shirt.

She turned around and smiled at me. "What have you been up to?"



About you.

About your eyes. The way the turn from grey to a light blue when you're excited. The way you apply red eyeshadow and black, winged eyeliner everyday before school.

About your lips. Your straight, white teeth. The center labret piercing you got with me. The fullness and pinkness of them. They look so kissable.

About everything that has to do with you.

But I didn't say that. Instead, I said, "not much."

She nodded. "Same here. Warren and her dumbass daughter won't stop talking about how I'm gonna be nothing after I graduate. It's tiring."

"Motionless has a slot I've been saving for you." I've been trying to get Raven to join MIW ever since it started, but she's refused each time.

She sat down on my bed and continued telling me a story of her aunt. I really really didn't like her staying there, but it's only three more days.

I heard a knock on my door. "What's up?" I called.

"It's just mom, kids!" Mom considered Raven as another one of her kids. Raven called her mom now, too. "Dinner will be ready soon. Raven's here, right?"

"Yea," I called back. "We'll be down in a sec."

• • • • •

Raven was always a restless sleeper. She was an insomniac ever since she was little, but her parents death gave her nightmares. She would cling to me whenever this happened. I have to admit, I love having her in my arms, but not like this. I want her to be happy and aware of what's going on.

"Birdy," I whisper, shaking her gently.

She jumps awake and tears immideitly start streaming down her face. She wraps her arms around me tighter and buries her face in my chest. "Chris, it was horrible!" She sobbed.

"I know, hun," I say, trying to calm her. I smooth her hair down. It was sticking in all different directions from all the rolling around she did.

"No, it was different this t-time," she stuttered. "You were the one in the car crash."

"Shh, it was just a dream."

"C-Chris, I can't bare to lose you. P-promise me you'll stay here with me."

"I promise."

Those words make me smile. She wants me here. She needs me here.


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