twelve • paper airplanes

165 5 1

Raven's POV

Osiris meowed loudly as soon as I walked into my house. I love that cat, but he could be really loud sometimes. I poured him some food and walked over to his litter box to clean it.

As soon as that was done, and the dishwasher was running, I sat on my couch. I wrapped myself in blankets and turned on my favorite Netflix show, Shameless. Who doesn't like that show?

Osiris curled up next to me. He was clearly done with his food, or else he wouldn't be anywhere away from his bowl. That cat loved eating more than anything else in this world.

I glanced down at my phone as the screen lit up. A message from Chris showed up in my notification bar. I smiled and picked up my phone.

Chris: Hey Raven, I had fun with you. The guys really like you and we're happy to have you coming on tour with us. We leave Tuesday.

Raven: I had fun with you too, Chris. The band is really nice. I'm happy for you. Thanks for letting me know. I'll see you then :)

Chris: Well, I was kinda hoping we'd see each other before then. Dinner tomorrow?

Raven: 7 o'clock?

Chris: See you then :)

I smiled and shook my head. I was happy Chris and I were friends again. I'd missed him so much. I was honestly surprised that he accepted me back into his life so easily.  Chris was always a nice guy like that.

I've been thinking of moving back to Scranton. Not just to be closer to Chris and the guys, but because that's my home. I'll always return home, no matter what.

My boredom soon got the best of me and I decided to go for a walk. I hooked my pocket knife to my pants - you never know what's gonna happen in Philly - and walked outside.

I always carried change on me when I walked around to give to my dear friend, Reggie. He was about sixty, and living in a storage unit. He polielty declined my offer of staying with me. Him and his dog, Yip, were loners.

As I expected, I saw Reggie sitting on a bench with Yip on his lap. The chihuahua barked when he saw me, and Reggie grinned. "Hey, Raven!"

"Hi, Reggie," I called, speed-walking up to him. "I've got something for you."

I dug through my purse and handed him a ten dollar bill and a few random coins. He shook his head. "I can't take ten dollars from you. You work hard for this money."

"I'm offering it to you. Take it, please. Money is just paper."

"Thank you, it's much appreciated." He accepted the money, finally. "Speaking of paper, I've got you an airplane."

Reggie and I had a tradition. He made me paper airplanes to wish upon. He'd done it ever since I moved here, so it's been going on for four years. It sounded stupid, but I wished for a cat and the next day, Osiris was on my doorstep, so I'm not complaining.

Reggie handed me the folded up piece of paper. "Wish and shoot."

I closed my eyes. As corny as whole thing was, I took it somewhat seriously. Thinking of what to wish for took me a second.

I wish that Chris loved me back.

I tossed the plane upwards and watched it fly across the road. A car whizzed by, and then the plane was gone. I gave Reggie and hug and told him I'd see him after tour.

"I hope your wish comes true, my dear!" He called.

"Me too, Reg. Love you!"

"Love you too!"

Yeah I was definetly stoned when I wrote this chapter.
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
627 words

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